Edguy/Hammerfall/Into Eternity in NYC

Bryan316 said:

I'm twitching... I need Friday to hurry tha FUCK up....

Lightsss fade awaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay
You're searchiiiiiiiiiiiiiing for yourr souullllllllllllllll
eginnninggggggggg of the ennnnnnnnnnnnnd
You're searchiiiiiiiiiiiiiing for yourr souullllllllllllllll

I need tonight to hurry the fuck up!!! LOL
JonnyD said:
hehehehe :rock: ... be prepared for IE to Kick your ass!!!
Interesting. A number of people have talked about how good IE is in concert. I don't hear it. I love their last two CDs. Love them! However, I saw them at PP, and thought they were very average, and a bit sloppy. I sort of wrote if off, because they had just gone through a number of changes (what else is new?). Then I saw them with Amorphis in Philly. They were horrible. Horrible! I couldn't even make it through their set. Someone said they were all very sick, and I think they fell of the tour, due to illness, shortly there after. OK. So, I'll give them another shot tomorrow night. But at this point, they've got two strikes against them. Let's just say, I'm not holding my breath, waiting for a good performance.

General Zod said:
Interesting. A number of people have talked about how good IE is in concert. I don't hear it. I love their last two CDs. Love them! However, I saw them at PP, and thought they were very average, and a bit sloppy. I sort of wrote if off, because they had just gone through a number of changes (what else is new?). Then I saw them with Amorphis in Philly. They were horrible. Horrible! I couldn't even make it through their set. Someone said they were all very sick, and I think they fell of the tour, due to illness, shortly there after. OK. So, I'll give them another shot tomorrow night. But at this point, they've got two strikes against them. Let's just say, I'm not holding my breath, waiting for a good performance.


:cool: I kinda agree with you on their PPV performance, but with a new singer and either drummer or bass player and the intricate double-shredding guitars, I thought they pulled it off pretty well. I saw them in Houston about a month ago and they were much tighter. Their CDs are AMAZING. I salute you for giving them another chance. They are VERY unique.

Chris :rock:
SavaVIDude said:
...with a new singer and either drummer or bass player and the intricate double-shredding guitars, I thought they pulled it off pretty well.

SavaVIDude said:
I saw them in Houston about a month ago and they were much tighter.
what did you think of their latest singer? Maybe it was because he was under the weather, but I thought he sounded like crap.

General Zod said:

what did you think of their latest singer? Maybe it was because he was under the weather, but I thought he sounded like crap.


He sounded better at PPV, but the dude on the CD I have is MUCH better (when he isn't doing deth vox). The thing I will always go see them for is the 2 guitar players playing 1000 mph TOGETHER!! I don't BELIEVE I have EVER seen that before!!

Chris :rock:
General Zod said:
Interesting. A number of people have talked about how good IE is in concert. I don't hear it. I love their last two CDs. Love them! However, I saw them at PP, and thought they were very average, and a bit sloppy. I sort of wrote if off, because they had just gone through a number of changes (what else is new?). Then I saw them with Amorphis in Philly. They were horrible. Horrible! I couldn't even make it through their set. Someone said they were all very sick, and I think they fell of the tour, due to illness, shortly there after. OK. So, I'll give them another shot tomorrow night. But at this point, they've got two strikes against them. Let's just say, I'm not holding my breath, waiting for a good performance.


There were Problems with their PP5 performance that had nothing to do with really them or the new members but I wont stir that pot... and They were all very sick on the Amorphis tour! I saw em on that one too but this Time around they Kicked some serious ass ... not even kidding they did real well and I was proud of em ... I cant say that you will be impressed but I was They were very tight and just really kicked ass :grin:
General Zod said:

what did you think of their latest singer? Maybe it was because he was under the weather, but I thought he sounded like crap.


Chances are you are still going to think Stu sounds like crap... he sounds Nothing like Chris Krall and I'm not sure what the guy that sang for em at PP5 sounded like since I missed em ... But Stu still sounds like he did 6 months ago
Interesting. A number of people have talked about how good IE is in concert. I don't hear it. I love their last two CDs. Love them! However, I saw them at PP, and thought they were very average, and a bit sloppy. I sort of wrote if off, because they had just gone through a number of changes (what else is new?). Then I saw them with Amorphis in Philly. They were horrible. Horrible! I couldn't even make it through their set. Someone said they were all very sick, and I think they fell of the tour, due to illness, shortly there after. OK. So, I'll give them another shot tomorrow night. But at this point, they've got two strikes against them. Let's just say, I'm not holding my breath, waiting for a good performance.


I saw the IE guys a couple of months ago. They kicked our asses in every way. Thoroughly impressed me. Their new singer is a perfect fit, he's got great stage presence, great vocal range, and is hella loud. He definitely belongs in this band. The guys only had a half-hour to play for us here in Detroit, but they thoroughly used every second available. They had quite a few people buying albums from them afterwards, so I'd say they converted quite a following here. This new singer is definitely the key. Much much better performance than at PPV last year. Their drummer and bass player are much tighter now, so everything sounds very efficient and perfected. Plus Stu is funny as hell when he's interacting with the crowd. I believe AngraRULES will confirm all of that tomorrow!
JonnyD said:
Chances are you are still going to think Stu sounds like crap... he sounds Nothing like Chris Krall and I'm not sure what the guy that sang for em at PP5 sounded like since I missed em ... But Stu still sounds like he did 6 months ago
Yeah. I'm afraid of that. Listening to Stu sing on the Amorphis tour, I was thinking to myself, "The next disc just moved out of my blind buy column." As I said, I really like what these guys do in the studio, so I hope they change my mind tomorrow.

Went to the show in VA last night. Every band was awsome, as expected. Great to see Edguy again, and I would say the same for Into Eternity but now having seen them 4 times, and will be seeing them another few times within the next couple of months, I'll just say I'm glad they played more than 5 songs this time around. It was nice to see the opener and closer of PPV back to back (and then Hammerfall). Hope everyone that has seen the show already enjoyed and wish the same for those attending tonight. cheers! :)
the show was awesome.

into eternity was at least 8 times better than they were at prog power. the guitars were NOT sloppy like they were at prog power, and this new singer is much, much better than the guy they had at prog power.

edguy was edguy. they switched up the order of their setlist from the previous one posted, but i think all the same songs were hit. they did awesome, though.

i'm not a huge hammerfall fan, but SO many people there were, it was ridiculous. i was sure that most people would be there to to see edguy, but apparently not. i still enjoyed their set though. the tall lanky skinny guitarrist is probably the worst guitar player i have seen in a professional band ever though. he was really sloppy and had missed notes left and right in EVERY solo he did, and nothing he played was especially complicated. then again, i don't play guitar, so don't take my word for it.

and...for those who are going to other shows, i waited around for over an hour after the show ended, and none of the band members came out to say hi (except for into eternity, but they were around pretty much the whole time). so, edguy and hammerfall definitely take their time if you were planning to wait for them.

and i'm tired, but overall the show was pretty amazing and i hung out with some awesome people there, so...yeah :rock:
Petethedrummer said:
the show was awesome.

into eternity was at least 8 times better than they were at prog power. the guitars were NOT sloppy like they were at prog power, and this new singer is much, much better than the guy they had at prog power.

edguy was edguy. they switched up the order of their setlist from the previous one posted, but i think all the same songs were hit. they did awesome, though.

i'm not a huge hammerfall fan, but SO many people there were, it was ridiculous. i was sure that most people would be there to to see edguy, but apparently not. i still enjoyed their set though. the tall lanky skinny guitarrist is probably the worst guitar player i have seen in a professional band ever though. he was really sloppy and had missed notes left and right in EVERY solo he did, and nothing he played was especially complicated. then again, i don't play guitar, so don't take my word for it.

and...for those who are going to other shows, i waited around for over an hour after the show ended, and none of the band members came out to say hi (except for into eternity, but they were around pretty much the whole time). so, edguy and hammerfall definitely take their time if you were planning to wait for them.

and i'm tired, but overall the show was pretty amazing and i hung out with some awesome people there, so...yeah :rock:

Great seeing you again, Pete. It's 3 A.M. and we just got in. Hung out 'til midnight and eventually the guys all came out. Too bad you had to catch the train. Awesome time, awesome show. Can't say I picked up on the sloppy guitar but I abandoned the front row for the rear bar by that point. I did notice some definite sound problems with the Hammerfall vocals with the backups sometimes riding over everything else. Still, enjoyed the set overall. Too tired for any more right now. Gotta hit the hay in order to have energy for the Philly show. Met a lot of great fans and friends tonight. (Always great to see you Steph!) Hope it will be the same tomorrow. G'night.
General Zod said:
Yeah. I'm afraid of that. Listening to Stu sing on the Amorphis tour, I was thinking to myself, "The next disc just moved out of my blind buy column." As I said, I really like what these guys do in the studio, so I hope they change my mind tomorrow.


I think you will Enjoy them They sound Very Tight on this tour ... its just Stu you might not like ... Though I do believe once they get into the studio with him its going to be Magic!!! kinda like adding a touch of Halford to the sound ... well Tim Owens really .. But I also think they are going to have a very hard time Topping BIO!!! the first time I heard that album my jaw literally hit the floor :grin:
AMBR said:
Great seeing you again, Pete. It's 3 A.M. and we just got in. Hung out 'til midnight and eventually the guys all came out. Too bad you had to catch the train. Awesome time, awesome show. Can't say I picked up on the sloppy guitar but I abandoned the front row for the rear bar by that point. I did notice some definite sound problems with the Hammerfall vocals with the backups sometimes riding over everything else. Still, enjoyed the set overall. Too tired for any more right now. Gotta hit the hay in order to have energy for the Philly show. Met a lot of great fans and friends tonight. (Always great to see you Steph!) Hope it will be the same tomorrow. G'night.

Great to see you too! I looked for ya after Hammerfall's set but didn't see you. Would have loved to hang out longer but I had to make sure I got home to catch at least a *few* hours of sleep! My recovery time is longer than it used to be, and I had to be at work early this morning. :yuk:

Please tell Dave thanks for the beer, and it was great meeting Michelle also! Have fun in Philly tonight and I'll see ya in Atlanta! :rock:

TwstDrSteph said:
Great to see you too! I looked for ya after Hammerfall's set but didn't see you. Would have loved to hang out longer but I had to make sure I got home to catch at least a *few* hours of sleep! My recovery time is longer than it used to be, and I had to be at work early this morning. :yuk:

Please tell Dave thanks for the beer, and it was great meeting Michelle also! Have fun in Philly tonight and I'll see ya in Atlanta! :rock: Steph
Hey Steph! Was great to see you again, Michelle really enjoyed meeting you as well. She will be joining us this year at PP, so we'll defnitely see you then and have a few more rounds there

As for the show, awesome! I am a big fan of IE, and all the touring is really paying off with the band's line-up really hitting on all cylinders now. Very sure their next recording will be killer! :rock: Edguy was Edguy...always fun! Hammerfall's new album songs went over real well. Overall it was great to see a large audiance on a weekday for this kind of metal music, all the bands seemed real impressed, with Edguy promissing to return to US on their next world tour. Hope the crowd in Philly is as good, can't wait to see it all again!
Great show in NYC last night. Crowd was out of control! No pun intended. I never thought I would see that much moshing for HammerFall. I am still shocked that Edguy actually played MYSTERIA. Not just the intro at the beginning but after the drum solo they ripped right into it. I loved how Tobias made fun of black metal and said Edguy is not a band that stands on stage and pretends to be evil when they fucking aren't and I loved how when he introduced "Babylon" he said "It's time to get heavy. Do you guys like that European power speed metal stuff?" and everyone went nuts and then he introduced "Babylon" as UNSKINNY BOP!
Ok, it's now 6:05 wednesday, I can FINALLY talk about the show here...

As usual, it was great seeing my buds from Into Eternity and hanging out with them for the whole day. They were absolutely amazing this time, way better than the past 2 times they played here in NYC. They sounded tighter, had a better sound in every instrument, and played a longer set (finally). On top of all, they are without a doubt the coolest fucking dudes you're ever gonna meet. I can say it as a fan and a friend, thanks guys for EVERYTHING!

Edguy... like Pete said... was fucking EDGUY. They did a slight change on the setlist, cut The Piper Never Dies out, but included Mysteria. They were fucking PERFECT live, and before the show, I asked Tobias to do they same thing he did at ProgPower... the Fuck thing, if you guys remember... He laughed and said that they couldn't. To my surprise, in the middle of the set, he started something almost like that one, I am so happy I got to see that again, lol! They were absolutely flawless on stage. Tobias is a hell of a person, funniest guy in the whole world!

Hammerfall... despite a few sound problems, were also fucking amazing. Their setlist was full of hits from the past as well as great songs off the new album. In the middle, they also played the first verses and chorus of Enter Sandman (Metallica for the ones that dont know), which was quite cool. I was blown away by their response, impressive. And WAIT UNTIL YOU SEE MAGNUS ROSEN's STAGE CLOTHES. That's all I have to say.

Last but not least, it was AWESOME hanging out with some ProgPower buds there like Petethedrummer, AMBR, Matt, Ernie and girlfriends. Hope to see ya all in a few more weeks!!!!