Eeee! That takes me back!

Just having a quick moment with the Donington 82 set (the neighbours love me for it really!) and getting nostalgic.

What a great performer list for that day (I like Hawkwind, but they were a little out of place).


August 21, 1982

* Status Quo
* Gillan
* Saxon
* Hawkwind
* Uriah Heep
* Anvil
* Tommy Vance (DJ)

Was anyone else there?


Klingonbear :rock:
Point taken re: Anvil. I always thought they were a bit hit-and- miss, much like Krokus (Screaming in the Night's still pretty good).

Perhaps if they'd got Slade and Blackfoot back from the previous year...

Uriah Heep were great though, this was what got me into Heep. Goalby was a cracking vocalist. Sloman wasn't shabby, either. Or Wetton. Or Byron, Shaw et al.


Well that just goes to prove that I am the only one on this forum with exquisite taste in music:lol: cos I really like Anvil and I am a DIEHARD KROKUS FAN!!!!! Krokus fookin rule, seen them 3 times before and each time they were totally incredible live. Screaming in the Night is fab, probably my fav Krokus song is Come On but Heatstrokes, Bedside Radio, Easy Rocker, Fire etc., are all sensational as well. Come to think of it, every Krokus song rocks. And the new single is awesome as well, and in fact THEY ARE COMING HERE IN THE SPRING/EARLY SUMMER NEXT YEAR. WOOOOHOOOOOOO.
Hi, Princess. Just backtracking a little, I still have the Sreaming In The Night, Hardware, Change of Address and Pay It In Metal albums. As soon as I can get to them I might just give 'em a spin again. Assuming my ex hasn't buggered up my collection or my hi-fi!

My CD track listing is:

1. Motorcycle Man
2. Princess of the night
3. Strong Arm of the law
4. The eagle has landed
5. Dallas 1pm
6. 747 (Strangers in the night)
7. Wheels of Steels
8. Guitar solo
9. And the bands played on

Can't remember anything missed from the day...

Klingonbear said:
Was anyone else there?

Yes I was there.................................You didn't happen to throw a cheese and tomato sandwich did you, Klingonbear?:lol:

If you go into one of my old threads and look for "Whose Cheese and Tomato Sandwich" all will be revealed!
Yes I was there.................................You didn't happen to throw a cheese and tomato sandwich did you, Klingonbear?:lol:

If you go into one of my old threads and look for "Whose Cheese and Tomato Sandwich" all will be revealed!

Come on mate you know youve gotta bring that thread back again now!!!

:lol: ive missed it !