Eerie Silence in "By the Pain I See in Others"

Originally posted by Lacent
whoresofwinter, it shows the really think about their music in terms of end result, its one of those mysterious things, i know personally i wonderd many times what the hell they were saying, then when i found out that he was repeating the lines from masters apprentice i was pretty amazed

yes it has been done before, metallica did it with battery (perhaps blackened????) they recorded the intro and put it on the album backwards

the silence adds a sort of "wall" to their music, it breaks you from your previous lull after listening to the rest of the album, kinda in the same aspect that cutting off songs mid-riff does, it keeps you from being all out there on a limb and brings you back into the real world, cause i know every time i listen to the song i catch myself being like whoa the songs not playing comes the weird shit

i never said it makes the album better than it already is, all i said was that it adds to the album, i like it

also, instead of coming on here and being a fuckoff jerk, next time you listen to the song use the little --> button on your cd player and skip the silence, and while your at it, take out the album and put in your favorite T.A.T.U cd or perhaps limp bizkit, cause its pretty obvious you cant just accept the fact that opeth is NOT going to do cut and dry things, they do new things, they do better things, they do great things

also, you should get your 16 year old ass out and try to get a life instead of coming here trying to start internet wars, i mean how fucking childish is that man?

You call me childish ..your the one who thinks some silence at the end of an album and some backwards lyrics is something fucking amazing ... And what's with the age comment ... what fucking difference does it make if Im 30 or 16 ... I could still kick your ass hahaah jk .. ok dude chill out, this is only the interenet.. it'll be ok man ... it's not the end of the world *hands tissue* .. there there .. not everyone hates you ..

How fucking childish of you ...

and yeh I love limp bizkit ... that's why im on an opeth forum .. just to piss you off .. my whole reason for existing is to piss you off.. I did the job now didn't I ..
WTF... Limp Dickshit .. you couldn't of used something better.. now that shows the level of maturity there
Maybe they did that whole backwards vocal thing after the silence to give bored little kids like Lacent and warsofwinter something to flame each other about while the rest of us just listen to the album without feeling the need to dissect it.
see, i dont understand where you mention me in this post, i have been praising this from the beginning i love it, its whoresofwinter that hates it, and i cant understand why, but further more what i cant understand is why he cant just press the --> on his cd player and quit bitching about it

also, whores, how do you get off saying you could kick my ass? ever seen a picture of me? maturity level please man, at least act like your 16, not 10
Now something tells me that everyone posting to this thread would rather speculate, argue, and name call... and why not, the true answer is rather anti-climactic anyway.

From Metal Maniacs February 2003: (interview with Peter)

MM: It ends at 12 minutes, then there's a few minutes of silence before this eerie backwards vocal tape loop starts. Why did you decide to put that on?
PL: This is an awkward story actually. We never create intros. There was an intro to "demon of the fall" which is just noise and that just appeared in the studio. It was the same with this. It sounds like Indian radio or something but it's really scary also. We were doing this thing. It was Steve. He was putting reverb on the vocal line in "Master's Apprentices" and all of a sudden he played the reverb for that vocal line backwards by mistake and I just entered the studio at that moment and I thought, "What the hell is this?" Mikael heard it and he was like, "I got scared," he said, because it was late night. So we thought we should keep this just because we all got scared because it was the middle of the night. The original idea was to put it before the CD. It should appear before the start so it's a hidden track almost but when Andy mixed it, he had a problem where he couldn't do that so we thought, "Well, maybe we should just add it to the end." It doesn't mean anything. It's just a thing to listen to in your headphones at night.

Okay? now you guys can all talk shit on Opeth for being pussies or something, I guess. :wave:
Just goes to show that things are never quite as they might seem.

Does it mean that Opeth isn't brilliant? Certainly not. What makes them brilliant is that they just do whatever the fuck they feel like doing, and somehow it turns out great every time. And they don't care who likes it and who doesen't.

One of the things I like best about Opeth is that the don't give a shit what any of us think! They don't care if you think the end of "by the pain i see in others" is 'gay', they don't care if you don't like how "serenity painted death" just cuts off, they don't care if you don't like one line of lyrics in one song and that you just can't listen to them the same anymore because of it... they don't care! You either like them, or you don't.

That's why, in my opinion, it's not worth nitpicking over little things that pale in comparison to the overall quality of their music.
frayededges said:
One of the things I like best about Opeth is that the don't give a shit what any of us think! They don't care if you think the end of "by the pain i see in others" is 'gay', they don't care if you don't like how "serenity painted death" just cuts off, they don't care if you don't like one line of lyrics in one song and that you just can't listen to them the same anymore because of it... they don't care! You either like them, or you don't.

...and that's why they'll never sell out.
:lol: @ may be right! Yes, it should be squashed at this point. It's getting wicked anal. He did it because he wanted to! I think it's all because of being misunderstood. I know I can't fkn stand that.

"...i know every time i listen to the song i catch myself being like whoa the songs not playing now...OH..."

That's when I awaken from the hour swoon.

"It's not part of "BTPISIO". It's a prelude to Damnation considering both albums are supposed to go together. That's my view at least."

Interesting. What do the people who've gotten their paws on a copy of Damnation think of that? I can't stand the wait. What's the date, dammit? ::looks:: OH MAN! That's too long!
My theory is that the guys were like "Hey, look at the track times for everything...all of them are over 10 minutes cept for By The Pain I See in Others. You know, I bet we could really get score some g's with the jam band fans if we made this track over 10 minutes also." So they inserted some silence, but then were like "Um, this will look like we're just trying to make it over 10 minutes if we insert a minute of silence, so let's insert 3 more minutes. And then reverse some track clips from the album and add some weird echo chamber effect so it will sound "eerie" and shit. Man, those pseudo-goth fuckers will gobble this shit up as 'deep' and 'the silence creates a void to further contemplate the deep meanderings of their music and art' and shit like that."
warsofwinter said:
WTF lacent .. how does that show that they really think about the music .. Im sure they do and all .. that's obvious but how exactly does taking a fucking vocal line adding some reverb, flipping the original line around (while keeping the original reverb onto one track) and adding it too some useless space filling silence show that they actually think about their music ..

Maybe you should think about your posts dude

Ummm .. this has been done toooo many times .. and I fail to see the point .. sure you can come up with a million reasons but I really don't see the point of waiting in silence for a few little words that you've already heard before on the album ...

However .. if a band use's this space to create a sort of wall of silence between the hidden song and the full album than I can apreciate that .. obviously the band thought that this had some significance to the album(probably to make it the longest Opeth album to date) .. but come on .. I mean you think adding some vocal lines to the end of the album made it any better than it already is. I think it was one of the producers Ideas myself .

Mikael, if you have some explanation for why you decided to do such nonsense then fill us in. Im guessing it was a producers idea or .. maybe just something to fill space.

Im not exactly bashing it .. It's not my album and he doesn't have to give an answer .. whatever Opeth decides to do Im happy with because it's not my band and I don't have to worry about the music or how it's gonna turn out cause I am confident in mikael in that he will continue to fill our ears with brilliant music ..

but here is a warning to people who are gonna record an album .... if you decide to go with the long, annoying space at the end to take up time then make sure you have a reason for it .. maybe it's just too piss people off .. but I mean tool did it with the number skipping thing, even that is somewhat interesting ...
With music .. just try to have a reason for what your doing .. it will make you more content on whatever your creating and you can give a full, honest answer to many interviewer's questions... which can be a good plug for your band ... dunno .. maybe Im the only one who enjoy's listening to music that is drowning in meaning ....

Christ, does it really bug you so much that you practically have to write a fucking ESSAY on why its bad? What you say is a matter of opinion.... I, for one like the silence..... and the backward voice that comes in at the end is really creepy and effective when listening at night...... so what makes you think that there is no reason for it? If people like it, then who cares?

BOTTOM LINE...... IF you dont like it, THEN JUST PUSH STOP ON YOUR CD PLAYER!!!!! Its at the END, so it doesn't make one shitting bit of difference! I don't see why that is so hard to realize.......
I am Ten Thousand and One said:
My theory is that the guys were like "Hey, look at the track times for everything...all of them are over 10 minutes cept for By The Pain I See in Others. You know, I bet we could really get score some g's with the jam band fans if we made this track over 10 minutes also." So they inserted some silence, but then were like "Um, this will look like we're just trying to make it over 10 minutes if we insert a minute of silence, so let's insert 3 more minutes. And then reverse some track clips from the album and add some weird echo chamber effect so it will sound "eerie" and shit. Man, those pseudo-goth fuckers will gobble this shit up as 'deep' and 'the silence creates a void to further contemplate the deep meanderings of their music and art' and shit like that."
I see where you're going with that. That's cool. Funny. But um, I wasn't lying. I REALLY DID get that interview excerpt out of Metal Maniacs magazine. And I did this in order to kill this thread!