Effective gating for guitars


Apr 17, 2009
Sorry i realise i must be pissing everyone off with the volume of questions i've been asking recently haha, what can I say im pretty keen...

i was wondering how much gating you do for particular sections in a song or do you just adjust it for the whole song...the reason being im struggling to get a nice cut for my breakdowns...something simple like a rhythmic sequence of zeros but i always seem to lose some high end when i fuck around with it...should the bass be considered way more for this part as thats what should be giving me the thump in the chuns?

much appreciated guys!
I usually cut manually instead of gate, you can make shit super tight that way and get rid of little artifacts that you don't want.

i'll give it a try, i just really wanna get something good before i make a first post of something thats my own..im supposed to be recording a local and soon so i wanna put all this new knowledge to the test..if i need to adjust the high end during the breakdown does that mean im doin something wrong with the gating? If my tone sounds good enough that is..i.e specifically for the heavily gated part
If the gate is cutting away the high end dont use the gate!!!! manually cut. More time, better results.

Also Anssi, sometimes its used as an effect, like despised icon use it. No one can possibly mute that tight so we use a gate to get the desired sound.

You guys are all so quick with your responses, i love you all haha! cheers
play it better and manually. it takes time.
sometimes strip silence works wonders; sometimes it doesnt.