"El Norra Alila" - stories from the gig.


Sep 30, 2004
Holon, Israel
i can't find other words.....

the gig was amazing......
very long one....
lots of guests!

in my opinion.....the sound could be better....i had to search for the right spot, where i could hear better, and make good pics...
but the band were (as usual) amazing and also the atmosphere....

the band had so much energies all the way....
I admire every one of you...you are kings!

pictures coming soon!
Who else played?

I know this is sort of off topic, but has Melechesh ever played with Orphaned Land in Israel?

But so I don't go too far off topic, yes, post pics soon please.
I know, but I think they played a show in Israel not too long ago and they have a huge fan base in Israel. Even a friend of mine who lives in Israel knew who Melechesh were, and the heaviest band he listens to is Megadeth.
I remember reading that there was even a cable special on them that got such huuuge ratings, they re-aired it many many times.
Folklore said:
im speechless this show was amazing... made me feel so better from all this war going on in my city..

it must be strange to be back in a war region after a show like that, with lot of happiness !!

I guess that the guest was Distorted and Betzefer
Man the atmosphere was amazing, made me proud to be Jewish and in Israel. Kobi and Yossi were such nice guys too, and they recognized me from the forum :D! Seeing you guys play twice in a year has totally made my year in Israel, oh yeah and that bald guy was really really good (I dont know which band). Long gig too! I was sooo tired after wards my shoulder is like strained and I can't move my neck properly, but man it was so worth it.I hadn't seen distorted before but they were cool as well and the singer was rather hot and I dont even usually like metal chicks.

Thanks Orphaned!!!!!!!!
I'll be at your third gig this year for sure, good luck in Turkey.
Argh it's gunna suck going home again.
Luckily for many of us, since most countries are predominantly Christian, Sundays are a weekend. The only thing that sucks about it is that bars and liquor stores aren't allowed to open on Sundays and grocery stores cannot sell alcohol before 12pm.
It's funny to take advantage of a holiday you don't celebrate:lol:
Thanks everyone! This was truly a remarkable evening, a hostorical event to remember.. finally El Norra Alila played from beginning to end...
Some pictures can be found at the Orphaned Desciples Fan Club:

it was a great experience for us, challanging both mentally and physically with a 2 hours and 20 minutes set!
Speaking of the play list:
Birth of the Three
Seasons Unite
Halo dies
Find Yourself, Discover God
Like Fire to Water
The Truth Within
The Path Ahead
A Neverending Way
Thee by the Father I Pray
Flawless Belief
Whisper My Name When You Dream
Shir Hama'alot
El Meod Na'ala
Of Temptation Born
The Evil Urge
Shir Hashirim
Ocean Land
Kiss of Babylon
Beloveds Cry + The storm still rages
Norra el norra
Ornaments of gold
Some of my photos were actually even better, I was really close to when kobi swung out on stage, thanks again for an amazing show Yossi, you guys never fail to amaze. Heres to me being at your third gig! :kickass:

edit: hey on the official site if you scroll down they have a picture of the crowd at the gig, haha pretty funny cause I found my hand as it has my two bracelets, and the guy with the flag behind me.


Hahaha I'm clearly famous.

Also www.metalist.co.il Has been updated with some really good pics.

Also Also what band was that bald dude from?
I put some of my photos in the Israeli forum.....you can see it here:



Wow, it really looks like a show that the fans were able to be a part of. Looks like it kicked some serious ass.