"El Norra Alila" - stories from the gig.

I didn't even know Orphaned Disciples had that home page. I thought it was just the forum. Thanks for the heads up BC

If Opeth's sound sucked, I would have been super pissed. Opeth is not the kind of band you can enjoy if their sound sucks. Orphaned Land doesn't seem like the kind of band you can really enjoy if the sound sucks too. The only bands I enjoy more when their sound sucks are the metalcore and emo bands that open for the good metal bands. Their sound should suck and the good bands should sound awesome.
OK- from now on I am stating the information in the fanclub page with every post-hhahaha. Check who are on the team and all will be revealed!

Now about the ceiling coming down in Istanbul- it was a part of the plaster and it was not because teh building was in a bad state- everyone was just going crazy in that show.

More stories from the El Norra plse!!!
Your signature thing doesn't click though, so until I saw a thread about the Orphaned Land Disciples site, I thought this was the fan club.
Mmmmmmmmmm, rotten eggs, ahhhhhhhhhhh
Her are some pictures from the show i took.

I must say it was absolutely amazing. I cannot say too much about the sound, for i was standing in the upper gallery where the sound is always different to the floor, but i thought it was quite good. and i really enjoyed the show.

Most of all because they dedicated Norra el Norra to me for taking the long trip from Germany to Israel ... i still can't stop smiling when i think about it. i was so happy that i had tears in my eyes. This was definitely THE moment of the show for me:)





Pics sure come out a lot better when you use an actual camera. I usually use my camera phone, so they end up looking like crap.
Morticia NL. said:
It doesn't redirect when clicking on it, because I have never managed to find the proper code for this.
If someone would be so kind to send it to me- I'd be happy :)
Did you figure out how to do what I told you?