Electropop cover - help with all the synths and balancing etc.

Morgan C

Apr 23, 2008
Sydney, Australia
I'm a total fucking noob when it comes to dialing in synth tones, composition, etc. so I decided to cover this song to hopefully help out. Used a bunch of synths, loads (too much) of processing. The ESQL free strings for the strings, but they're REALLY unstable so there's probably a few issues with them on export :/

ANY advice is much appreciated.. I have much to learn in this area, its WAY harder than you'd think.


edit: chorus is pretty boring also.. the original chorus seems much more exciting but I can't hear much more going on. Wtf?!
I'll check this one out when I get back home in few hours...and don't panic, heavy processing and layering is needed most of the times in this style ;)
Sounds pretty damn good man. Vocals sound like they're getting a little swallowed in the chorus, at least for something poppy. Well done emulating those sounds!
Sounds pretty good, agree with the vocals getting buried in the chorus, maybe doubling it and "spreading" them during the chorus would help, but that depends on what kind of production route you want to take ;)

I also think the hihat is too prominent, and I would choose a 909 snare or a less "power" kinda snare, short decay one, kinda lofi, on the verses. But that's just what I would do ;)
The chorus has to explode in some way, so you have to "crap out" the verses a little bit IMO

P.S. I don't hear it really processed at all with the exception of the vocals, and it sounds a little dry for the style I think?
Sounds pretty good, agree with the vocals getting buried in the chorus, maybe doubling it and "spreading" them during the chorus would help, but that depends on what kind of production route you want to take ;)

I also think the hihat is too prominent, and I would choose a 909 snare or a less "power" kinda snare, short decay one, kinda lofi, on the verses. But that's just what I would do ;)
The chorus has to explode in some way, so you have to "crap out" the verses a little bit IMO

P.S. I don't hear it really processed at all with the exception of the vocals, and it sounds a little dry for the style I think?

Yeah pretty much agree with all of this. Unfortunately the vocal acapella is really shitty (have 2, the 'official' one which is like a lofi 32kpbs mp3, and an unofficial one which is painful to listen to and sounds like its been run through a bad reverb :/).

I brought the hihat up quite high to make it more interesting, but I think it could def go down in the verses. The kick/snare are pretty much placeholder, I agree about toning it down in the verses.

What do you mean you don't hear it processed? Not sure what you're expecting to hear? There's a bit of reverb on all the synths (bar bass, but even that has delay).
What do you mean you don't hear it processed? Not sure what you're expecting to hear? There's a bit of reverb on all the synths (bar bass, but even that has delay).
Haha maybe I explained myself poorly :p

It's just that reverb sound you hear on most electropop songs, really prominent...really spread out...the synths with delay ( I thought about suggesting a delay for the intro arpeggio, but it's good as is)

You know, that etereal "pop" sound is what I was talking about ;)
If your looking for practice there are tons of loop packs that usually come with loops, drum one shots, and basses, and are grouped by song. They really help with learning composition, usually you would have to supply your own synths and leads, and that helps to dial in better synths!

The song sounds great! The sound quality is nice. Love the bass. Great tune!
Ok, listened to the original song to compare both ;)

There's loads of really simple reversed things here and there, that keeps the song moving on.
Also, the vocal has automated delay on some words. Also, the reverb return seems to be automated on some words and on the chorus ( besides massive doubling, a tpain kinda doubled vocal underneath). That keeps the vocals "interesting".

The ewql free has to be lower in the mix aswell.

I can also sense some arpeggio, really low in the mix, on the chorus.

As I thought at first listen, the intro arpeggio has delay on it, lowpassed repeats.

That's all I could find listening to the original :)