Elvenking Set Thoughts

Usually we don’t get involved in this kind of discussion but we’re getting pretty sick of all this people spitting sentences over things they absolutely don’t have a clue about. What do you know about us choosing a guitarist? We don’t even know you! Oh now I see you come exactly from our area…and that’s not a surprise to us! You even come to the PP forums to speak about us..but that’s ok.

That’s part of the game… and it's cool! but what we don’t accept is that you tell to other people and to our loyal fans things that are absolutely wrong! So we want to clear up things a bit. What do we care about having Steve Vai in our band? We don’t care about that! We never cared of that shit and for sure R. doesn’t need someone to speak for himself. We need a good guitarist that can play our songs.. full stop. This stupid game of comparing Aydan to Hetfield and R. to any guitar hero is just a child’s game. Do you really think that musicians should play 100 solos to sound good? You’re completely missing the point and our philosophy as a band. For us the best quality in a musician is playing 100% with the heart and working for the songs only! One can be the biggest guitar god, or whatever, but he would always play the songs as they’re meant to be played. The musician has to adapt to the band, not the opposite!! This is how it works in Elvenking. That’s why it’s difficult to find the right guitar player ‘cause most of the time we get guys full of their ego and they’re not able to play our songs without being another Steve Vai or whoever clone. In any case R. proposed himself to the band and so far we had a great time with him around Europe and especially in the US! This is the truth.. for the rest, let the people who attended our show in Atlanta do the talking!

IMHO or IMO is netspeak for "In my humble opinion" or "In my opinion". It's understandable if you didn't catch that part and thought it was insulting.

Maybe you didn't know, but IMHO or IMO stands for "In my humble opinion" or "In my opinion". If you didn't understand that part of netspeak, it's quite understandable that you took it as insulting.

And here we take the occasion to thank all the people that had a good time with us at the ProgPower festival! It has been a blast..we had so much fun with you guys! Hope to come again very soon!!! CHEERS!!!!


I'm just giving my opinion on this thing and I haven't said a single thing against you or EK. In fact, the few times I come here, I have PROMOTED you guys for months to these people in the states and that you guys put on a good show. You can drop the defensive hypersensitivity...it's a forum and it's here for people to express their opinions, and if those opinions are the opposite of yours, then so be it. I never stated anything matter-of-factly about EK's lineup or how you go about your business or what you do with your own band. NEVER. I'm not speaking for R, and I NEVER said anything of the sort so YOU can stop putting words in MY mouth.

The Hetfield thing was a metaphor, not an insult...if you took offense, I'm sorry but I didn't intend for it to be taken in that light.

I expressed my opinion that I think you all have got a gem as a guitarist and you are making a mistake if you let him go. Once again, it's just MY OPINION and it doesn't mean anything. I don't know why or how you choose your guitarists and frankly, non me ne frega un cazzo. You guys can do whatever the hell you want...I don't care. I'm just giving my opinion on the matter, that's all. More power to you guys for doing you own thing and your own style and that's all cool, but don't get your panties in a bunch because someone happens to have a contrasting opinion; I’m not one of your fapping fanboys. Yes, I DO think it's a mistake to limit R in the band, but that's just a harmless opinion of mine with absolutely nothing to do with EK or him. I'd never attempt to speak for him or any of you...again, it's just MY opinion.

Whether you call it true or untrue is moot; it's not a factual debate, but relative opinions. You act like I'm going around slandering EK when I have NEVER, EVER done anything of the sort. On the contrary, I catch your shows around here whenever I can. I'm not trying to sway your “loyal fans” or some such nonsense; I was just giving my opinion and what I would do if I were in your position. It's rather funny that obviously someone here took enough offense with my personal opinion (which means absolutely nothing) to tell you about it so you can come running here for one single post to defend your “honor” on a message board. Don't take everything so seriously. There will be people who think you guys suck, and you're going to have to deal with that. I personally think you guys are a good band and I'm glad to see you've made it out of Italy, but I thought being a professional band and all, you’d have a little thicker skin by now. Just remember not to shit where you eat.

I understand you guys are dealing with a little local backlash around here and you’re probably sick and tired of hearing the same critiques over and over again, but I can tell you that shit like this…this oversensitive, knee-jerk reactionary bullshit most definitely doesn’t help your case. I am blunt, honest, and without filters…I say what’s on my mind. I’m not insulting your band, I’m not saying false things about your band, I’m just giving my opinion on the fact that I think R would be much better for you guys if he were on leads instead of rhythm. Where is the disconnect here? Why is this such a controversy? Everyone else on the forum didn’t take offense, so why did you? In fact, we all agreed that in the end, it comes down to chemistry and that if the guy’s just not right, no matter how good he is, in the end he’s just not the one.
The band could have no solos and they'd still sound like their own thing. Jarpen was a great member of the band, but the band is still strong without him. I'm not sure how much Jarpen wrote for the band though, so I can't comment on if they've lost anything in that way.

Jarpen's soloing was just more interesting to me than Aydan's style. But I still like Aydan's playing. And the band is musically interesting throughout.

Yeah, I think this whole thing got blown out of proportion. I never meant it as a slight against the band, least of all Aydan. He's a phenomenal player, I have the utmost respect for him and I'd love to be able to play like him.
We only wanted to clear the point since it's something that was misunderstood a bit. It's just an explanation of our way to see things. If you'd have said that the band sucks we wouldn't have written, that's a matter of taste and opinions! If we'd write everytime people talk about us on forums we'd have to leave our jobs and work on that 24/7!! :lol: We just wanted to let the people who read your post, know what do we think about the subject, that's it. :)
Well, I'm glad everything's cleared up then. It can be difficult to understand the meanings behind ppl's words sometimes, especially on teh interwebz. I just wanted to make sure you guys understood that I harbor no ill will towards any of you and it wasn't even criticism against you. You should stick around UM more often...these people here are foaming at the mouth for you guys. Of course, for us here in Friuli, we're chock full of bands...I mean we've got you guys, Pathosray, and Raintime all in the Provincia di Pordenone!!!!! Let's not forget SlomoApo as well, and even Rhapsody (hee hee) if you'd like to bring them up. All from Friuli! I think it's really cool that other parts of the world are starting to see the talent coming out of not just Italy, but our tiny little region. Cheers!!! :)
Saturday I was at the store with my son and my friend Bullets. Bullets was looking at the videos, my son was looking at Pokeman cards and I was looking at the CD's.

There was a girl next to me who was talking with her friends and said, "What would at 13 year old boy like?" I saw she had a Drowning Pool CD in her hand. As I was staning in the E section, I handed her over an Epicurean Disk and an Elvenking disk. I then asked her what kind of music he liked... She said, "Oh, KoRn, Godsmack, Drowning Pool.." I stopped her and again handed her the disks and told her it was time he listened to some real music.

She finally decided on the Elvenking Disk and took off.

My friend Bullets who had overheard the whole exchange looked at me and said, "From Godsmack to Death to Folk metal? What are you thinking?"

So I replied with shrug, "Someone had to get him started..." and walked away to pay for my Amon Amarth CD.

Hahaha! A new Elvenking Pimp is born. I will keep an eye on the EK Forum for a new 13 year old. We already have ONE over there who is about as mature as a 25 year old. Man I love that board.