EMG fizzzzzztastic

Dec 29, 2010
I have an LTD ec-1000 deluxe guitar with emg 81-85 going on. Back in the day I was sporting a pod gx and assumed the overwhelming and incurable amount of fizz was just pod farm because I have never really had a problem with fizz through my Krank rev head (playing live/band practice). To cut a long story short, it wasnt pod farm. Nor is it my current digi guitar rig, the axe fx, nor is it my mic'ed up Krank or ENGL. It has the be these pups. If im recording with a sim its ass and that much i kind of get, but through an ENGL? Through a Krank? Through a 4x12 mesa oversized? I just dont understand.

So heres what im on about

This is through the axe fx (Its early in the morning here and ze wife is asleep)


Just... balls. Right? Anyone else here have to fight in order to get the 81 to cooperate or am I just cursed?
Didn't listen to the clip but if it isn't gear malfunction then it's your fault. The emg81 are not that fizzy at all and should be easy to get a nice metal tone out of em.
I hate my EMG's that I currently have. I have the 81-7 in my SC607-b currently and I honestly feel like the stock passives in my old RG7321 were better than my EMG's. Fizz city
You could try a different cable. If that doesn't work, maybe you should make sure your ground wire is still connected inside the guitar. And if all else fails, maybe just mess around with your gate and see if you can it it to an acceptable level
I think it would be more helpful if you'd post DI's. That could pretty easily sort out whether it's a technical or operator issue. Clearly good tones are possible with 81's as there are a ton of guys (and great sounding records) which use them.
well, most of the tones you hear on the records you like have god knows what done to them. toss an e.q. in the fx loop and shelve down the highs and boost a tad in the high mids a bit if it's fizzy. it all depends on what you going for and what you consider fizzy. the 81 gives you more than you need to get the tone you want, you just need to cut back a little on the parts you dont like.
FWIW, I had an EC1K with the 81 and never had any fizz issues, always sounded bomb tits. I actually prefer the 89 these days in the bridge position. It's like an awesome balance between an 81 and 85.
I have to agree with the other guys, the 81 85 combo seems to have less fizz than any other high gain pup I've encountered. They are great for bottom end thump and top end pic attack but I never heard a fizzy sounding emg tone.
i think you are over analyzing this. the clip you posted it not that fizzy. im pretty sure i have a super fizzy setup and i dont find it out of the ordinary at all. and it happens regardless of pickups. the gain and mic position are about the only thing that change it and i have to notch out a few problem frequencys every time
Totally agree.
I have been moaning about EMGs on a few threads lately.
I have SH-11 in my ESP MI and PRS CSTM24 and they sound fantastic.
My Eclipse Custom has EMG 81&85 and I am changing to Duncan 59 neck and am still undecided on bridge pickup for it.
I think its gonna be a Duncan custom.
I find it way easier to get a good sound with good saturation but not too much gain with Duncans.
Need less post EQ too.
As long as I don't push it to the extreme with the gain knob. But that holds for literally all PU's with that amp...

That hold true with any PU and amp for that matter.

81/85 User here too, back off the gain work on technique and all will be good. EMGs will fizz out more than a passive when the gain is too high, they are not as forgiving as passives. Dial that gain down to reasonable levels and all will be good.

Also fizz can be equally bad in an amp, cab, and mic position. Also also, don't judge the sound by the guitars themselves, listen to them in a mix with drums and bass. Most of the time fizz which is in all amps and all pickups, it part of the "air" sound that helps mixes from sounding dull and helps guitars cut through a little bit better.