EMG wiring...


Nov 13, 2008
...So i'm about to try and insert these 40DCs in my bass (taken me this long to get the time)

theres a few things i need to work out... the first being if i can incoorporate the already existing active EQ system in with the new pickups...

also... a query for you guys... this could be a simple straight forward yes or no, or it could be a chance to flame grill me for thinking like a n00b


volume and tone pots... is there a difference apart from the fact that the new EMG quick-fit Volume pots have three connections and the tones have one??

EDIT: So after playing around i realise this EQ system can't be used, or if it can i need to know how EMG used to wire their shit cause its an old one... otherwise... this solderless wiring is kick-ass!!