Emo And Goth Music Banned In Russia?

lmao @ Guitar-non-player

Why getting so defensive? Have you ever asked something about someone/someplace/something else? You haven't? Oh gosh, then I guess that you'll remain ignorant of everything you aren't enlightened about by some greater being.

I guess you're right about me being -slightly- over the top today :)

just had to let off some steam :kickass:
because people shouldn't speak of what they know nothing about, otherwise it's called idiocy.

really? but...

You seem to know a lot about "putinland", my russophobic friend, care to enlighten me?
I'm sure as a person who doesn't speak Russian you can teach me a lot of things about Russia.

you have obviously misintepreted the responses in this thread, people were responding to the rumour as if it was true which naturally lead to a bunch anti-russian comments since it would have been outrageous and unacceptable if the rumour was true.

I don't claim to know much about russian internal politics (and "putinland" was obviously a joke) and niether am I russophobic, but I do know that if this rumour had been true, no matter what country it concerned, my fascistbullshit detector would be going crazy.
as far as the emo thing I couldnt be happier. I dont approve of the emo bashing that alot of bands endorse but I dont like hearing them whine all the time about how shitty their life is. As for the goth part I dont understand what they would constitue as "goth" I mean alot of people say that The Cure is goth but you dont see Robert Smith starting fights or getting people to start riots and whatnot. I think if this is an attempt to put some sort of closure to violence they need to look at rap music. You got Eminem talking about killing his wife, ICP talking about killing kids, and others talking about killing other gang members. Who the hell does metalheads talk about killing? Some people need to get a life and grow up.
Who the hell does metalheads talk about killing?

a) Themselves
b) the non believers
c) animals
d) virgins
e) Jesus and/or anything affiliated
f) all of the above

So.......... yeah, disliking emo's for because they're "whiny bitches" is ridiculously stupid, since most metal bands are more emo than emo bands.

Why aren't you banned (again) anyway?

@Darferret: I have my strong doubts about violent lyrics affecting the minds of "soon-to-be" criminals directly. It's just like when people say, that a kid started shooting his teachers in school because he played Counter Strike and Quake 3.
Those problems with criminality and violence usually have their roots way deeper and if a government like there is in russia WOULD HAVE done something like that, it would have only shown their inability to deal with the actual problems.
a) Themselves
b) the non believers
c) animals
d) virgins
e) Jesus and/or anything affiliated
f) all of the above

So.......... yeah, disliking emo's for because they're "whiny bitches" is ridiculously stupid, since most metal bands are more emo than emo bands.

Why aren't you banned (again) anyway?

@Darferret: I have my strong doubts about violent lyrics affecting the minds of "soon-to-be" criminals directly. It's just like when people say, that a kid started shooting his teachers in school because he played Counter Strike and Quake 3.
Those problems with criminality and violence usually have their roots way deeper and if a government like there is in russia WOULD HAVE done something like that, it would have only shown their inability to deal with the actual problems.

lol as if the USA is capable of dealing with their own problems?