Emo Bands


UM Troll member
Nov 26, 2005
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Good Charlotte


Simple Plan


and for last, Airbag, a super emo band from argentina (sorry Earth, for polluting the world...):cry:

why did i click this thread? i was really sleepy and peaceful but now it drastically changed :mad:
Insilden_The Shred said:
Ya...! what the hell? teenage angst hasn't even kicked in yet... What the hell will they have to cry about? :lol:

getting poopy in their nappies :dopey:


One reason why I'm glad I don't work at Guitar Center anymore.

"Thank you for calling Guitar Center of Tacoma, home of the guaranteed lowest prices, this is Steve."
'Yea, ummmmmmm.......I need some prices on something, ummmmmm........'
".....Ok, what do you need?"
'I need some, ummmmm, prices on some strings, hmmmmm........'
"Ok, what strings?"
'Ummmm........I don't know, they're for my guitar player.....ummmmm......what are my prices, I'm the drummer for Aiden (omgzors I'm so fucking cool lollilops).'
"I'll hook you up (omg you're a faggot!) with some strings (that your fucking cocksucking faggot talentless guitar player needs, or doesn't need) that you think your guitar player will like."
'Ummmmmmm........sweet (I'm gay).'
"Right on dude (people here know who you are including me and I think that you suck, your band sucks and you all fuck each other whilst listening to your fucking gay music)."
'Sweet man, see you in a little bit (I'm gay and I'm going to hit on you. I'm the gay drummer holding a pair of drumsticks, wearing my band's T-shirt).'
"Alright man, later (YOU'RE A FUCKING FAGGOT!).'

NP: Ihsahn - The Pain is Still Mine