Emo Kids get beat up in Mexico!

Ignorance my ass. Save your holier than thou condescending bullshit and washed out hippie mentality for a group that gives a fuck about hearing it.

Some people in this group do care to hear about it. Off-Topic Tavern.

Emos are another lame trend that just gets in the way. They show up at concerts and "hardcore dance" all over the fucking place.. not even in the pit where they should... so while some 22 yr old chick is trying to order a drink at the bar, some 16 yr old asymmetrical haircutted douche is driving elbows into her back cuz he's so "Feeling it, man".

It's unfortunate that you have to go through these horrific experiences. :waah:

TV's so bad? What about all the educational shit on Discovery and Science channel? You dont even eat milk or cheese? Wow man... you're just like.. so in touch with nature and fellow man, dude... wow bro. You're even too radical to pay taxes. My god you're fucking awesome.

There are many legal ways not to pay Tax. Regarding T.V and my eating habits. I clearly stated it was my opinion.

Go eat granola, bang some unshaven broad, smoke a bowl and listen to Phish... and stop reading threads where you dont like the subject matter. We dont care.

I don't like Phish. I prefer my woman shaved. This is an open forum. You comments don't reflect the voice everyone in this forum.

Did you know that anger has been scientifically proven to cause scaring of the arteries?

Ignorance is the most horrible of all diseases. :erk:

I guess you ignored this part. "I must stress however, I mean no offense to anyone. Just another view point on the subject. In other words my opinion."

Have a good day :)
Right... and the way to always get around issues is to say "No offense, but" about everything.

So finger waving about so called ignorance just due to the fact people think a demographic is a waste of fucking space... is in itself, an act of bullshit.

There's no ignorance regarding the fact these kids are lame. You want to call it anything borderlining racism or the ilk, and that just paints you exactly as you are.

Another assumption that Im angry, when, Im not. Im just pointing out the fact that you're basically... just a fucking idiot... for coming into a thread clearly labeled as one dropping bombs on emo kids... then coming in to point fingers about who's ignorant and who's not.

Wannabe intellects like yourself are the ignorant ones.

But, in cases... its basically the most righteous and blind who cant see themselves as the assholes.

In other words: Go fuck yourself.
Some people in this group do care to hear about it. Off-Topic Tavern.

It's unfortunate that you have to go through these horrific experiences. :waah:

There are many legal ways not to pay Tax. Regarding T.V and my eating habits. I clearly stated it was my opinion.

I don't like Phish. I prefer my woman shaved. This is an open forum. You comments don't reflect the voice everyone in this forum.

Did you know that anger has been scientifically proven to cause scaring of the arteries?

Ignorance is the most horrible of all diseases. :erk:

I guess you ignored this part. "I must stress however, I mean no offense to anyone. Just another view point on the subject. In other words my opinion."

Have a good day :)

For someone so opposed to ignorance you don't seem to read what he's actually saying all that well...

Emos are another lame trend that just gets in the way. They show up at concerts and "hardcore dance" all over the fucking place.. not even in the pit where they should... so while some 22 yr old chick is trying to order a drink at the bar, some 16 yr old asymmetrical haircutted douche is driving elbows into her back cuz he's so "Feeling it, man".

yeh the only fun part about it is then you can kick their ass and no one can get mad cuz its a mosh pit haha, a few weeks back i went to a show with some friends and a hardcore band came on an a few emos showed up and started "moshing" so me and my bud just rushed into the pit and destroyed it in about 30 seconds. emos flying everywhere it was great.
yeh the only fun part about it is then you can kick their ass and no one can get mad cuz its a mosh pit haha, a few weeks back i went to a show with some friends and a hardcore band came on an a few emos showed up and started "moshing" so me and my bud just rushed into the pit and destroyed it in about 30 seconds. emos flying everywhere it was great.

THAT is fun. I remember doing that at a Shadows Fall concert a few years back. We had a bunch of "kung fu" emo kids doing their spin kicks and blocking the rest of us from moshing. So a group of about 20 of us just bum rushed the little bastards and had the biggest circle pit going that that venue had ever seen. :kickass:
Right... and the way to always get around issues is to say "No offense, but" about everything.

So finger waving about so called ignorance just due to the fact people think a demographic is a waste of fucking space... is in itself, an act of bullshit.

There's no ignorance regarding the fact these kids are lame. You want to call it anything borderlining racism or the ilk, and that just paints you exactly as you are.

Another assumption that Im angry, when, Im not. Im just pointing out the fact that you're basically... just a fucking idiot... for coming into a thread clearly labeled as one dropping bombs on emo kids... then coming in to point fingers about who's ignorant and who's not.

Wannabe intellects like yourself are the ignorant ones.

But, in cases... its basically the most righteous and blind who cant see themselves as the assholes.

In other words: Go fuck yourself.

I never claimed to be a "intellect" I only "spoke" my mind. You find emo kids to be somehow "a demographic waste of fucking space" I don't. The topic starter of the thread as well as Smy1 agreed to my original response. I agree with them regarding the validity of my comment. I don't agree with you. Trying to insult me or trying to belittle my online Identity to me is a sign of anger. You know nothing about me apart a few sentences on a forum page. Love it or hate it, I find no threat concerning emo kids. Further more, I'm not opposed to ignorance. It's simply defines it's self: "The condition of being ignorant; the want of knowledge in general, or in relation to a particular subject; the state of being uneducated or uninformed." Call it a learning curve if you will.

I do stand by my original statement, now a quote. "I must stress however, I mean no offense to anyone. Just another view point on the subject. In other words my opinion." My sentiments I feel are honestly positive, Yours I read as hate. In any case anger still leads to ill feelings and hatred and where hatred is concerned it is never positive. It has no benefit at all.

So you can stand strong opposing emo kids all you want. I just don't see the point. There children that will most likely grow out of it. No harm done, aside there own perceived self destruction. :goggly:
Let's keep it civil, guys. It's ok to disagree with each other.

That being said, I'm not a really a big fan of emo music, but if we all listened to exactly the same stuff, and wrote in the same style, music would be really fucking boring, wouldn't it?

Hell, I've even recorded a few emo groups. What in the world would I say? "Get the fuck out, no emo in MY studio!" That's no way to run a business. I'll work with anyone once.

Diversity in culture breeds excitement. ....And anticipation for the next heavy-as-fuck project that comes in.

Let's keep it civil, guys. It's ok to disagree with each other.

That being said, I'm not a really a big fan of emo music, but if we all listened to exactly the same stuff, and wrote in the same style, music would be really fucking boring, wouldn't it?

Hell, I've even recorded a few emo groups. What in the world would I say? "Get the fuck out, no emo in MY studio!" That's no way to run a business. I'll work with anyone once.

Diversity in culture breeds excitement. ....And anticipation for the next heavy-as-fuck project that comes in.


Agreed! I never meant to start a shit storm. I just believe in basic human rights. :kickass:
Drop it. "I just believe in basic human rights"... congratulations, you're not Pol Pot. Wow. Irrelevant. Do you just like talking without saying anything, do you not think we've assumed as much, or is that supposed to be a shot at J, who despite being a New Yorker probably believes in them as well?

Lol this shit is hilarious, keep it going! BTW, CounterStrike pwns. Headshot!

That is all.

Drop it. "I just believe in basic human rights"... congratulations, you're not Pol Pot. Wow. Irrelevant. Do you just like talking without saying anything, do you not think we've assumed as much, or is that supposed to be a shot at J, who despite being a New Yorker probably believes in them as well?


Very Irrelevant. Seems to be a lot of that going around and it really just makes everyone involved look stupid.