Enchant - Tug of War

jjmannford said:
Guys I saw the entire CD on WinMX already. Who ever it is, can't they wait until the album is at least fully released?? :erk: Haven't seen it in a while, so hopefully that person was smart, and stopped sharing those MP3 files.

Hi....don't mean to ruffle feathers, but I saw YOUR user name(which is the same as the one here) in WINMX, and you had a couple of the tracks already....This stuff happens. It IS NOT right, but what can be done....I downloaded every track already, and have the INTEGRITY to admit it... BUT, I WILL buy the official release.

Not quite so pissed off in RI :wave:
StocktontoMalone said:
Hi....don't mean to ruffle feathers, but I saw YOUR user name(which is the same as the one here) in WINMX, and you had a couple of the tracks already....This stuff happens. It IS NOT right, but what can be done....I downloaded every track already, and have the INTEGRITY to admit it... BUT, I WILL buy the official release.

Not quite so pissed off in RI :wave:

Dont question my INTEGRITY. Heres the fact, JACK

I saw the entire CD on WINMX and immediately alerted Ed. Of course I was curious and started to download Tug of War and Queen of the Informed. I got 1% of Tug of War (5 seconds worth) and 3% of Queen (16 seconds) before the link was disconnected. I already have Sinking Sand through this website. Since then I havent seen any tracks on WinMX (dont really look too much to be honest), nor downloaded them anywhere else. I am man enough to admit that if I saw them again, I would be curious and download them. Of course I would buy the official release afterwards. I am a HUGE Enchant fan, and would never do anything to screw them intentionally or unintentionally. As you can see with http://www.ultimatemetal.com/forum/showthread.php?t=99929
I accept the fact that people will download it, hey I would too as I am human, but just hope they will buy an official release so Enchant profits from their music we throughly enjoy. Thats my soapbox. Dont brand my a hypocrite, when I am not.

A little pissed off in MD:bah:
jjmannford said:
Dont question my INTEGRITY. Heres the fact, JACK

I saw the entire CD on WINMX and immediately alerted Ed. Of course I was curious and started to download Tug of War and Queen of the Informed. I got 1% of Tug of War (5 seconds worth) and 3% of Queen (16 seconds) before the link was disconnected. I already have Sinking Sand through this website. Since then I havent seen any tracks on WinMX (dont really look too much to be honest), nor downloaded them anywhere else. I am man enough to admit that if I saw them again, I would be curious and download them. Of course I would buy the official release afterwards. I am a HUGE Enchant fan, and would never do anything to screw them intentionally or unintentionally. As you can see with http://www.ultimatemetal.com/forum/showthread.php?t=99929
I accept the fact that people will download it, hey I would too as I am human, but just hope they will buy an official release so Enchant profits from their music we throughly enjoy. Thats my soapbox. Dont brand my a hypocrite, when I am not.

A little pissed off in MD:bah:

Dude, I wasn't questioning YOUR integrity...I was just saying that I saw your name, and you had some or part of these tracks....I guess I shouldn't have put 'integrity' in CAPS...No offense.....but know this....I would never even KNOW about Enchant if it wasn't for AudioGalaxy....someone SENT me the track of Paint the Picture. I LOVED it....and the rest is history....Please don't thin that I was talking about YOU...I'm not like that. :erk:
StocktontoMalone said:
Dude, I wasn't questioning YOUR integrity...I was just saying that I saw your name, and you had some or part of these tracks....I guess I shouldn't have put 'integrity' in CAPS...No offense.....but know this....I would never even KNOW about Enchant if it wasn't for AudioGalaxy....someone SENT me the track of Paint the Picture. I LOVED it....and the rest is history....Please don't thin that I was talking about YOU...I'm not like that. :erk:
Sorry STM, I did misunderstand the INTEGRITY in caps. No big deal. I appreciate you explaining it. I guess its PaytontoMalone now. On paper the Lakers are damn good now.

We all have similar situations where we have discovered some awesome unfamiliar bands through Napster, AG, WinMx,...etc. I discovered Kevin Gilbert, and Spocks Beard through Napster.:)

We all know the 'download everything and never buy a thing' WHORES suck ass. I have always wondered how certain bands feel about a person that downloads something and then doesnt like it, so won't buy it. Back in the days before the internet, (you know the darks ages:tickled:,)I bought a lot of shitty prog CDs that were described as very similar to bands I like a lot. Back then I wish I had an avenue to preview them, but it just wasnt feasible, and I wasted a lot of cash. Nowadays I get to download and preview them, in order to make a decision of whether to buy them or not. Honestly this has happened a bunch of times like with recent Marillion, Star One, recent Saga, and a few others that I sampled some tracks, but didnt like it and didnt buy the CDs. Obviously, some bands just want to profit from you buying it. In the case of Enchant, they dont exactly get rich off of CD sales, so would they rather have all happy CD listeners with less CDs purchased, or more CDs purchased with a certain of amount of people who disliked the CD? Ed, Doug, Ted, Sean any opinions?? Tough call.

Indeed that's a tough call Jim !
Obviously like for many of you here on this message board, downloading some music before its release gives a taste of the forthcoming record so you'll figure out if you're gonna buy it or not. But hey do you guys remember, before the internet about the mystery which kinda surround a cd when it was just release ?
Anybody here dont you have this feeling of surprise and wondering when you're out of the record store with this brand new cd under blister ?

I remember Scott Ian from Anthrax saying in an interview : do you think by downloading an mp3, that you're able to say that you have the record ? NO that's fu$$@ng bulls..t ! You have a part of the music but you don't have neither the box nor the booklet or the picture disc ! And you claim Yeah I had the new Children Of Bodom or I-don't-know-what 2 months before its release !" Well obviously I agree with Mr Ian about this way of thinking it just pisses me off.

Actually and as for me, I'm torn in two about the ?download" case.
In the case of bands like Enchant, Shadow Gallery or Threshold for instance, everybody here admits that these bands aren't that huge (and god knows how they deserve to be damn huge) like a Metallica for instance. In this case a part of me would say that as a way of discovering a new band, downloading music might be a good way to promote a band.

On the other hand, the other part of me is pissed off by downloading music because of the moral side.
Indeed, imagine a second : you guys are musicians and you worked your a$$es off to get the money to record your music in a good studio. When I mean good I mean that you paid the price for it, renting, hiring the services of a sound engineer etc ?

Then you work your asses off to find a record deal, when you have found this record deal, you pray to get money in return on the renting of the studio, the artwork etc?*
You're basically a baby signed band and you're already see your own material on some FTP's or Kazaa or WinMX or any other crap like this even before your cd is released ? Come on this is insane ! Is it the way we were taught to listen to music ??? Or I guess some of us became some bastards selfish enough to stop buying cd's ?????

I download some music from time to time just to discover some bands. For the well known bands like Anthrax or whoever else I'd prefer listen to it with headphones in a record store. Even if I downloaded the Porcupine Tree's In Absentia (which is a good personal example because I never been a PT freak until this cd bomb) 2 months before its release, I went to my cd store and bought it, same for Anthrax etc?*

I already got Tug Of War but let's make one thing clear : I did not download Tug Of War and all I can say abuot it for the moment to Doug, Ted, Sean, Bill and especially Ed my man, you guys kick fu...ng ass more than ever !

Be sure I'll buy, yes buy, B-U-Y because for the love of music, the love of turning the pages of the booklet, reading the lyrics looking at the pictures and reading the thank you credits ! And if there is a limited edition out I'll buy both versions of the CD's (already did for A Blueprint of The World I got the 3 different versions, who called me crazy ? :) ) because that's the way I am and because most of all, Enchant deserve it !

God bless you Ed, Ted, Sean, Bill and Doug ! You are geniuses
DiscoDave said:
Heh...quite a change in tone from the original "No way am I posting MP3's because it's wrong!" to this "Err...I don't want to talk about it in case I'm doing something illegal".


hehe nah it's not like that. To be honest I am not 100% sure on the case of showing the promo scans etc before the album has been released. Last thing I want to do is cause hassles for the person who I got the promo off.

As far as the mp3's go. I am actually very suprised I havn't had any requests thus far. Probably goes to show how good and genuine the Enchant fans are. Most other boards I would have had at least 10 if not more requests privately for mp3's. While I am not against mp3's for listening to undiscovered music (and then buying the album later) I would never come into Enchant's official message board and offer mp3's. I respect Enchant and the way they go about there music. The fact that they post in there forums and talk to the fans. Not many bands do that kind of thing. The fact that they posted sinking sand MP3 on there web site etc.

Anyway sorry i hadn't posted in this thread earlier. I didn't receive a email notification and forgot about it :)

In the past week this album has definetly grown on me. Been in my car all week and love it :)
Without Napster I never would have heard and been entranced by Spock's Beard and thus never would have made the trip to Enchant.

I totally prefer to provide financial support to show my appreciation. It just makes sense and yes, the whole CD package is what I want and enjoy.

If only radio didn't suck.....

- Frank
StratosFeaR said:
Thought I would post the cd art.

Keep in mind the back will more than likely change from the Promo to the retail version :)



perhaps my second most favorite album cover next to time lost's, living in a movie sounds like an interesting song and so does queen of the informed
Heard more of the new Enchant on Seismic today...Holding The Wind and Living In A Movie are excellent. The former definitely lives up to Ed's promise of greater bass prominence on the album, and the latter is this album's resident heartstring-puller... :)
Demonspell said:
Heard more of the new Enchant on Seismic today...Holding The Wind and Living In A Movie are excellent. The former definitely lives up to Ed's promise of greater bass prominence on the album, and the latter is this album's resident heartstring-puller... :)

I'm not too big on that variety of songs, myself. =/
Okay. I also have a promo copy, courtesy of the record label. And, I will buy the official release. No doubt.

1) The album. It needs to grow on you. Four or five plays should do the trick.

2) To me, the artwork seems fitting to the music, which is a mix of all the previous albums. Slight nuances, of course.

3) Definite hits:

- Holding the Wind (man, that mid part will blow you away...Bill rules!!!)

- Queen of the Informed (heavy, and with another great mid part)

- Long Way Down (so cool!)

- Progtology (one instrumental track is all we need)

and the absolute winner

- See No Evil (Doug delivering his best!)

Hats off to the band! Thank to each and every one of you (Ted, Ed, Bill, Sean and Doug) for this wonderful music.

Now let's wait a week and next Monday buy the official CD. And, go see the band live. I know I will try to catch them in October.

ENCHANT still rules!!!

NP - See No Evil :grin:
Hmmm Living in a Movie is a heart-string puller? Not sure why you thought that... Beautiful is the ballad on the album and Living in a movie is pretty rocking, especially during the chorus. :kickass:

Demonspell said:
Heard more of the new Enchant on Seismic today...Holding The Wind and Living In A Movie are excellent. The former definitely lives up to Ed's promise of greater bass prominence on the album, and the latter is this album's resident heartstring-puller... :)

Actually Comatose is the heaviest and sadest piece, it is also one the best songs Doug has ever written, get to be every time, a very sad one.

Living in a Movie is more of an all around take on crazy life can be! It is more driving and not really a heartstring puller :) although music effects everyone differantly I guess?

Beautiful is indeed the balled.

Hey this baby will be out for everyone next week hah :)
I haven't heard Beautiful yet...I think that impression of Living In A Movie was based on the lyrics and Ted's vocals, which I did find very moving, I apologize for misleading anyone...but then again, I find Under Fire, arguably Enchant's heaviest song, to be as emotional as Ultimate Gift.