Indeed that's a tough call Jim !
Obviously like for many of you here on this message board, downloading some music before its release gives a taste of the forthcoming record so you'll figure out if you're gonna buy it or not. But hey do you guys remember, before the internet about the mystery which kinda surround a cd when it was just release ?
Anybody here dont you have this feeling of surprise and wondering when you're out of the record store with this brand new cd under blister ?
I remember Scott Ian from Anthrax saying in an interview : do you think by downloading an mp3, that you're able to say that you have the record ? NO that's fu$$@ng bulls..t ! You have a part of the music but you don't have neither the box nor the booklet or the picture disc ! And you claim Yeah I had the new Children Of Bodom or I-don't-know-what 2 months before its release !" Well obviously I agree with Mr Ian about this way of thinking it just pisses me off.
Actually and as for me, I'm torn in two about the ?download" case.
In the case of bands like Enchant, Shadow Gallery or Threshold for instance, everybody here admits that these bands aren't that huge (and god knows how they deserve to be damn huge) like a Metallica for instance. In this case a part of me would say that as a way of discovering a new band, downloading music might be a good way to promote a band.
On the other hand, the other part of me is pissed off by downloading music because of the moral side.
Indeed, imagine a second : you guys are musicians and you worked your a$$es off to get the money to record your music in a good studio. When I mean good I mean that you paid the price for it, renting, hiring the services of a sound engineer etc ?
Then you work your asses off to find a record deal, when you have found this record deal, you pray to get money in return on the renting of the studio, the artwork etc?*
You're basically a baby signed band and you're already see your own material on some FTP's or Kazaa or WinMX or any other crap like this even before your cd is released ? Come on this is insane ! Is it the way we were taught to listen to music ??? Or I guess some of us became some bastards selfish enough to stop buying cd's ?????
I download some music from time to time just to discover some bands. For the well known bands like Anthrax or whoever else I'd prefer listen to it with headphones in a record store. Even if I downloaded the Porcupine Tree's In Absentia (which is a good personal example because I never been a PT freak until this cd bomb) 2 months before its release, I went to my cd store and bought it, same for Anthrax etc?*
I already got Tug Of War but let's make one thing clear : I did not download Tug Of War and all I can say abuot it for the moment to Doug, Ted, Sean, Bill and especially Ed my man, you guys kick ass more than ever !
Be sure I'll buy, yes buy, B-U-Y because for the love of music, the love of turning the pages of the booklet, reading the lyrics looking at the pictures and reading the thank you credits ! And if there is a limited edition out I'll buy both versions of the CD's (already did for A Blueprint of The World I got the 3 different versions, who called me crazy ?

) because that's the way I am and because most of all, Enchant deserve it !
God bless you Ed, Ted, Sean, Bill and Doug ! You are geniuses