Enchant - Tug of War

Well about Comatose, I agree with you Ed, this is one of the best song Doug has ever written.
I love this one, there is no other better way to close this album than this song.

To give an answer to Sevlar : I had the promo CD because I work for a french webzine about progressive rock and metal…*so a lot of reviews and interviews with bands are set up… including Enchant.

Ed also wrote a live review for us…*do you remember Ed ? :)
I am one of the fortunate ones to have listened to all of ToW. I have not received a promo copy, nor downloaded the tracks, but I did receive it legally (I am not divulging my source b/c he will have to kill me :Saint: ) And to quote Frank the Tank ......"ITS AWESOME"

Comatose is the best song Doug has written, IMHO. It is a !:waah: , big time!!! Probably my fav Enchant tune already. Ted is at his absolute best here, and his performance proves he is the best crooner in 'prog'. ''Awwwffuuully Nuuummmb". I am after this masterpiece.

Bill definitely puts his signature on this CD, which is great. Definitely a progression from Blink. Hopefully everyone will love it. I will refrain from talking more about it, and wait for everyone to get it. Bravo, Doug, Ed, Ted, Sean, and Bill is all I can say.

Peace out,

-----It looks as if the CD in the US is being delayed until Aug 5. :erk::erk::erk: I looked at my CD Universe order, and unfortunately thats when it now states it will be released.
I just placed my order yesterday at my favorite little independent store where I bought my first Enchant CD, and they said July 29th...I WANNA BELIEVE THEM!

Could I for a moment describe hell? The first part of hell is pushing #2 on your CD player (sound already cranked up) expecting the opening strains of The Thirst...moments later, peeling yourself off the wall realizing your kid placed Cradle of Filth in #2...Second part of hell is reading everyone's descriptions of songs that I CAN'T HEAR! :erk: Just had to whine a bit, thank you.

:wave:Leaving to reload and lock all five chambers of said CD player with Enchant...

~Kristin, via enchanted dragon>>>~
Listening to TOW right now for the first time - got it from the shop yesterday. Haven't even heard all the tracks and it's an amazing album already! It's less heavy than BOAE, or am I mistaken? Ted's sounding amazing as ever or even more amazing!

I really like the cover with all previous covers on it. But displaying ABOTW as a vinyl - to show it's that old?! ;)

When and where was the live version of Below Zero recorded, by the way?!

Oh man, I am looking forward to the European tour!

Jerry said:
Oh man, I am looking forward to the European tour!

