enchant - where do i start?

Personally, I'd start from the beginning. I think "Blueprint Of The World" is a great album. Songs like "The Thirst", "Oasis" and "Acquaintance" really sold me on the band.

The other albums I recommend are "Break" and "Blink Of An Eye".
Blueprint is fantastic....
Ken @ Laser's Edge has Juggling.... for only 5 bucks and the other ones for 15. If you want to keep your "trial run" cheap, check that out.

I just bought a couple from him for a "novis". Two albums for 20 bucks. Can't beat it.
which cds are the best?

Since someone said The Laser's Edge has "Juggling 9 or Dropping 10" for only $5, I'd start with that one....it's one of my favorites, anyway. I'd go ahead and pick up "Blueprint of the World," too. They're both incredible CDs. After that, in order, I'd get "Break," "Blink of An Eye," then the others.

Don't get me wrong, though, any Enchant CD is a great CD. They're all good, which is why you see different recommendations from different people....some just resonate more with different people.

By the way, for the uninitiated, one of my favorite things about Enchant is their lyrics (and of course, the awesome vocal delivery). Check out the lyrics for "What to Say," (about a real person dying of a brain tumor...the singer's brother-in-law, IIRC), "My Gavel Hand," "The Thirst," or "My Enemy". Brilliant, emotionally-driven lyrics.

If you don't really know the lyrics of an Enchant song, you're missing half of the song, IMHO.

You have to love it when someone asks where to start in a band's discography, and within the first four posts every disc in their discography has been recommended. :loco:

Kenso... FWIW, I too am trying to get on solid ground with Enchant. Based on recommendations in the announcement thread and the fact that I prefer Prog Metal to Prog Rock, I'm starting with Blink of an Eye.

So far I am finding Enchant to be musically interesting, and technically proficient. However, I'm not getting the elation. The singing is excellent, but the instrumentals lack a feeling that hooks me. I'm going to give it more time though, as its interesting enough to demand more listens.
You have to love it when someone asks where to start in a band's discography, and within the first four posts every disc in their discography has been recommended. :loco:

For some bands, it makes sense to start at the beginning. For others you can start in the middle or towards the more recent albums. It all depends. I don't know a darn thing about Enchant so I'll probably start at the beginning. :)
For some bands, it makes sense to start at the beginning. For others you can start in the middle or towards the more recent albums. It all depends. I don't know a darn thing about Enchant so I'll probably start at the beginning. :)
Seeing as how the general consensus is that they've been growing more aggressive, So it may make sense for fans who have a greater affinity for Metal, to start towards the end.

Enchant are definitely a "deep cut" band. For me, it was their obvious influence of early Marillion that pulled me in.
I would have to say BLINK OF AN EYE is a solid album with power and tons of catchy hooks, but they are all good but it wasn't until later they started writing full albums worth of solid songs.
