enchanted employment


enchanted daily
Feb 26, 2004
lonGiland, NY
So.........i'm curious.....I've read you guys from Enchant have day jobs. What do you do? Myself, i'm a baker. I bet its kinda cool telling your co-workers that you're in a rock band. :headbang: :D
If you weren't in a band would you have pursued another career?
Ted has a window washing company.

Bill works for Korg.

Not sure what everyone else does.
Haydn12 said:
Ted has a window washing company.

Bill works for Korg.

Not sure what everyone else does.

wow--window washing, that's wild. I knew this guy who did that and had a gold squeegee on his necklace.
Hey Aaron whats up brother.

We kind of missed this one. Hey we all work for a living. And until we reach that next level it appears we will be for some time, but thats all good. It keeps everyone grounded and very humble in many respects.

Bill does work for Korg, he has a great job for a Keyboardist I would say, they keep him very busy though.

Ted owns his window cleaning business, Sean and Doug both do real estate appraisal, another good job for a musician in many ways.

I am a shift technician for Chevron Texaco. I have worked here for 17+ years so I get a lot of vacation time for the music.

Hey now I know what to get Ted for a belated B-Day gift, the gold squeegee is just perfect! Nice :tickled:

aabrewer318 said:
wow--window washing, that's wild. I knew this guy who did that and had a gold squeegee on his necklace.
ebass said:
And until we reach that next level it appears we will be for some time,
Well, we gotta do something about that!! :loco:

I'm trying to work my private grass-roots movement to get you guys on the ProgPower 6 band short-list. If I make any headway Ed, I'll let ya know!

[I am dead-set on being in the front on the floor next year at Earthlink Live in Atlanta and seeing the curtain part and hearing you guys rip into Sinking Sand - wooo-hooo!!! :hotjump: ]

And I plan on letting Inside Out know how much we appreciate the LIVE AT LAST DVD they invested in - I'm gonna be buying extra copies to give out as gifts. :headbang:

You are simply awsome my friend!

You rule! :headbang:

That would rock.

Burke said:
Well, we gotta do something about that!! :loco:

I'm trying to work my private grass-roots movement to get you guys on the ProgPower 6 band short-list. If I make any headway Ed, I'll let ya know!

[I am dead-set on being in the front on the floor next year at Earthlink Live in Atlanta and seeing the curtain part and hearing you guys rip into Sinking Sand - wooo-hooo!!! :hotjump: ]

And I plan on letting Inside Out know how much we appreciate the LIVE AT LAST DVD they invested in - I'm gonna be buying extra copies to give out as gifts. :headbang:
Hey Ed,
always intereseting to see what folks do. Its a big part of anyone's life and of course we all wish we didnt have to do it, hopefully it's something you enjoy, as it's a big part of our livelihood. Great that you get the chance to have music play a big role in your life, and do something and others enjoy as well as yourself.

I dont know what a shift technician is but it sounds important, and should be if you've been doing it for 17 years. i'd guess you've found a nice niche for yourself doing that. I can picture you out on some offshore rig trying to contain an oil spill..........but maaaybe not :D

Great for Ted with his own businees going. There's always a degree of risk involved with that, but hopefully he's got things going well.

I'm sure Bill enjoys working with keyboards also and Sean and Doug have a keen eye for spotting termite damage.

I'm looking to make some 'career moves' myself. Not exactly sure just what tho. Got to make money.....its not everything; but it helps
