End of first date farts.

Nate The Great said:
People used to hate me in college. I had a ton of protein shakes, because I was into bodybuilding. They can produce some amazing aromas.

DUDE!!! In college, we had "suites"..three to a floor/building, with buildings connected. So peeps could walk through suites to other suites adjoinuing the 2 buildings. I was ridiculous then, eating 8 meals/day, 4 including shakes. Man, I would stink up that place so fucking bad. It would seep out my door into the ENTIRE fucking suite/hallway. Girls would be walking through the hallway to the other suite literally SCREAMING, while I was behind my closed door laughing my ass off. You would hear people saying it "smelles like shit" all the time. hahaha I would be ripping out STINKERS every 2 minutes like clockwork. No fucking candle or spray could neutralize it. Godamn that ruled. :lol:
I've dated two women that felt very comfortable farting around me, but it took some building up to get to that point. Well one of them wouldn't do audible ones, but she'd fart and then laugh when I'd smell it, and the other would purposely fart on me. A lot. Once or twice during sex even.

My hangover farts clearly established me as the alpha male though. :mad:
lol @ you guys. haha "queef" you gotta really be plowing away to get one of those going.

also, meal replacement/protein shakes create some of the worst gas in the world. its not even funny
You can get good queefs by ploughing away and then shifting her legs around. Sounds like when you force air out of a balloon, all loud and shit. Pretty rad.
queefs are far nastier than farts IMHO ... i don't want to hear that shit while going to town :loco: