this is in no way a knock on Fire breath, but I'm wondering when women will simply be accepted in metal as just a member of a band and not female fronted or whatever. It's like here in America people always want to point out the "black guy" in some situation rather than just saying "the guy", you notice it in the media alot. I just wonder if there ever will come a time when people are measured on their merits rather than gender or race or whatever. I understand that when there are only a few of a certain type of people in something it sets them apart like a white rapper, a female or black metal singer, but when does it become accepting and no longer a novelity? Hasn't happened in human history so I doubt it will any time soon, but expect for a small minded minority, I have always found metalheads to be more inclusive and above these things than the norm, so if it happens anywhere it will be in metal first.