Ending Credits - James Bond???


May 2, 2003
Fortress of Arrogance
I was playing Damnation in work today and when Ending Credits came on my manager said "I know that song," so knowing how it's not long out and shes not a metal fan I say "No, you haven't".
But she reckons it's in the James Bond film "You Only Live Twice" or possibly one of the other older ones. I played it a few more times and each time she was sure it was the same tune.
Does anyone else see the similarities or is he just plain wrong?

BTW If anyone went to primary school in Scotland about 15 years ago do you remember a blue screen with a big white clock that counted down before the educational programmes started? Do you remember the song that played? A little acoustic guitar thing? I'm sure it was an Iron Maiden tune from the 7th Son album but no one else remembers it!
heh I vaguely remember the blue clock thing, but not the tune. I always thought that song sounded very spanish, breezy and fun (I really like it :)) but I never got the james bond reference.