Enemies of Reality - where did the title come from??

food for thought. not sure if i can capture the taste just yet though. i do get more interesting visions just dozing off or staring into empty space than i do smoking hashish or whatever, so i salute ye who believe in an expanded reality!
anyone here ever just close your eyes and watch an image progress? it's hard to explain, it's like watching oragami or a flower unfold and it turns into a crazy storyline/artsy/comic book type hallucination and i think i don't make any sense, so i'm just gonna go to bed now.
tee, i can't see your pic, what the hell!!
EXISTENZ is a sci-fi/fantasy thriller.

Since Warrel took the title "The Politics of Ecstasy" from the title of a Timothy Leary-book and he got inspired to use the name "Nevermore" after he was listening to a Trouble record drunken, I thought that he could have gotten this title from the above mentioned movie. Since they say that word by word and... if you go and watch the movie, you'll understand why I think he got inspired when he was watching it... If it really happened....
no, not that I would remember, the last thing I saw was Swordfish, the beginning, yesterday, and then I fell asleep. and American Beauty the day before, and Legends of the Fall the day before that (for the god-knows-which-time), etc, etc...