ENGL + inspiration = New song and Mix! check it.


Oct 21, 2005
Southwest Florida, USA
ello again!

so I saw that my last thread from forever ago was resurrected and thought some of you may like to hear the newest stuff I'm working on. I actually finished this song a month ago or so, but I reworked the mix a bit this morning before uploading it.


Same setup as last time. ENGL, SM57, A-7 w/stock pups.

Drums are DFH1 into Battery.

Tell me what you guys think!

Charlie you brilliant son of a bitch!

Gawddamn... this stuff is just as sick as your first one i heard!

Things that make your stuff stand out is offcourse the sound itself.. but the effort you make to get things to sound sick, like the drums at the end, the vocals (first scream and the effect on it) the clean synth guitars.. all are things that make it worth it listening to again, again and once more..

And the style of the songs.. the structure, where you keep wondering where it's going...

If you mixed in the vocals low because you are not sure about them, then get them cranked up more..

However, if you mixed em like that to get them blend in like it's another layer of music, like i like it, then once again, consider my gast flabbered, because it sounds great...

Good job Charlie!
Soundclick has it's fair share of downtime during this time of day, pretty random though..

i had the same thing yesterday..
cheers guys, glad you all can digggggg it!

i guess I *may* raise the vocals a bit, haha. i thought they were actually a bit too loud, glad I kept em where they're at!

keep the comments coming guys..

Y'know, I haven't heard a metal song that got me pumped in a long time, but that was just fucking insane. Big thumbs up.
The production is great and fat. Just sounds like a massive wall of sound. I preffered the greater audibility of the guitars in the first thing you'd posted up though.

Also, I preffered the first thing as a song. It had more of a sparse, ambient feel, whereas this one is almost metalcoreish.

Great stuff though man.