New ENGL Fireball content! New mix, complete song, opinions welcome!

Yeah this clip totally owns. We tracked a Powerball through both a 1960A and Kelly cab the other day and our tone didn't even come close to the bite and tightness of this one. Great work.

Actually CJ, if you don't mind, could you share some amp settings with us? Did you leave a lot up to the mixing stage, or did they just track down that crushingly? Really fuckin good work man. That signature ENGL bite is all over that.
haha, zombified, I love it.

I've actually since remixed this song and have finished another which I may post later on today. I mainly just cleaned up the low-end on this, I listened through a couple different sources and it just seemed to dominate a bit too much.

On my Fireball, pretty much all the knobs are at noon aside from the gain knob, which is at like 10 o'clock or so. Mastering is playing a substantial role in the "sound" of the guitars in regards to how the sit/sound in the mix, but the ENGL is definitely leaving its mark with the actual characteristics and gain structure, obviously... The guitars really have no low-end energy going on when solo'd, most of the low end in the mix is from the combination of the Bass GTR and BD.

The drums are actually DFH1 and I am using Battery as my sampler in Cubase.

Like I said, I may post the newer song in a little bit on here, the mix is a bit different on that one.
