ENGL + inspiration = New song and Mix! check it.

StefTD said:
it's great and the louder you hear it the better it sounds I think.
Fuck, I will be deaf tonight...

haha, sweeeeet. i noticed the same actually, i mixed it with the volume pretty high on my monitors; this may be part of the reason why :)
Nice, I'm thinking about getting a fireball, how would you say it would be for lead and soloing? Does it have enough mids to cut through at all in a band situation?

i'm not much of a lead guy, but i'd say it would probably do a more than adequate job. yes, it has pleeennty of mids to cut through in a band situation. I've never had a problem..

CJWall said:

i'm not much of a lead guy, but i'd say it would probably do a more than adequate job. yes, it has pleeennty of mids to cut through in a band situation. I've never had a problem..


Thanks, heard things about the highs and lows being so prevalent! I'm definately getting one, thanks for the clip to help in my decision!
another hot joint from cizzle jizzle. very nice writing. this again proves my theory that when an engl is in the right hands, they are some of the best sounding amps around.

too bad you aint much of a lead guy, cuz some sick leads would set this mother OFF, son!
That was fucking great man.... seriously impressive as hell.

Question: what are you using to generate the bass guitar sound? What kind of bass/amp/signal chain?

well that sounds aweseome again! Massive! I agree with most @ the vox being a bit in the back tho.. nonetheless : loads of respect for this..
Am an Engl-player too (E580+930/60+412SS) but I wish I only could get close to what you've produced..

Very curious for leadsounds too btw.. (not of the Engl but how you would make them sound)
I agree that the guitars sound huge, but the drums sound a bit weak IMO. I'm sorry to be the one raining on your parade. I'd like the snare and kick more prominent and fierce. The snare gets drowned in the heavey parts. The kick is too clicky and hollow for my taste.

I've had the same issues with my mixes when limiting too hard on the master bus. Dunno if that's what you did though. If you're happy with the drumsound as it is, great.

I like the material and the vocals btw. cheers man
ay my friends!

i find that limiters overall really mess with the drum mix when strapped across the 2-buss. L2 being the big offender in my experience. i'm still sorting out a drum sound I am happy with although i've been experimenting a bit with settings based on this mix so we'll see.. thanks for the constructive criticism though man!

Oz: thanks! you may not believe it but the "bass" is pitch-shifted guitar. I sorted out a way to make it sound half-way decent in the mix. Sounds a bit funky (imo) when solo'd but, eh, i'm planning on buying a real bass soon.

thanks once again all,
CJWall said:
Oz: thanks! you may not believe it but the "bass" is pitch-shifted guitar. I sorted out a way to make it sound half-way decent in the mix. Sounds a bit funky (imo) when solo'd but, eh, i'm planning on buying a real bass soon.

Is it a software pitch shifter? if yes, which one?
And how did you manage make it sound "half-way decent"?