New ENGL Fireball content! New mix, complete song, opinions welcome!

Glad you all like the vocals, that's the one thing I'm sketchy about, so it feels a bit more reassuring hearing that; and yes, they were meant to be just another layer in the song, that's a perfect way to put it. Actually, in a new song I'm working on now, they are mixed in a more standard fashion, I'll be posting this one soon hopefully as well.

As for the clean guitars, they are EQ'd to be slightly lo-fi telephone-y and essentially cut up and shortened in small increments, which is something new I am working on.

Expect something a tad more straight forward in the coming weeks, riff and vocal-wise.

Anyone else? :rock:
Sounds awesome. Like everyone else, I like the vocals a lot and would like to hear a touch more of them... not so much out in front of the mix, but at least not buried under the mix, which is how they sound to me now. But seriously, man, this is some moody, creepy-ass shit, the recording and mix are both very stark and very clear (reminds me of some of Bergstrand's better stuff), and I love it. You're a natural at those really textural treatments I hear on the vox, clean guitars, samples, and synths. This is the kind of stuff that would sound fucking awesome in a movie or video game, almost like the music itself evokes images.
The more i hear this, the more im amazed at everything you have done Charlie.. i have no idea how you got that bass so thick and intense..

The whole atmosphere is amazing!
Cheers Bobby!

Thanks man, I really appreciate all the compliments!

On a sidenote, I actually made some pretty solid ground today with the next song I am working on, so I may shoot that your way in the coming days.

And :rock: to everyone that has commented thus far!
Seizure. said:
ohyeah! sorry if i ask this again but what did you do in the EQ on the guitars?

Not a whole lot, I generally try to limit any cuts or boosts I do to within +/- 1 or 2 dB as, personally, I can easily over-do it, haha. As for specific EQ on this, I generally like to boost a *bit* at 150hz and 1.2k or so. I'll also C4 the guitars and compress some of the high-end as well as the usual Sneap kind of low-mid deal.
I can't beleive that bass is a pitch shifted guitar... Everything I hear pitchshifted sounds like ass. But you made it sound great.... Good job....
I realize that this thread has been dead for awhile, but I just have to say....

Dude, that riff from :26 - :46 is a monster!
Tell us more about what you did with the guitar that you pitchshifted to be your bass sound. I think the end result is very cool. Very full low-end you have there. The entire mix is very reminiscent of Tesseract stuff.

Great stuff all round man. I love to hear this non-standard music. I really hope you stick with doing off-the-wall stuff and mixing in the vocals however the fuck you want. I've always liked them in the background too... just another texture in the song, not the leading element.
good sound ! and what about drums ? is it a recording or some stuff like dfh ? same as others for the voice, though i like the fact that they are slightly lowmixed. :) bass is great, i didn't thought that pitchshifting could give that... pitchshift with cubase ?
It's back from the dead! :heh: haha, thanks guys.

I just finished another song, came out rather well. I may post it later.

Anyhow, the bass, okay:
I played just the basic notes on my guitar through the clean channel of my Fireball. Once in Cubase I pitchshifted the file with Cubase's built in pitch-shift option. As far as plug-ins go for that channel, hmm, let's see.

Looks like I have REQ6 first with a pretty big cut around the 8k and up range. Other than that, just a few cuts in the mid area. I have a Low Shelve at 29hz to rid of the boomy mud. After the EQ, I am using PSP VintageWarmer to add a touch more bass and cranking the "Drive" knob to the point where the bass has some nice grit going. :rock:

Hope this helps!

intense! I hear the obvious low vocal level, but you're probbaly going for that.

Guitar sound is one of the best ive heard!!! Altho, it seems to stick out in the mix too much, maybe try overcome that?