engl or peavy?

My old Fireball sounds like a cardboard toy amp in comparison to my new Invader 100. I couldn't believe it when I compared them side by side, but it's true. I love how the Invader on channel 3 sounds pretty similar to the Fireball, just with way less fizz and more everything else. Especially chunk.

That said, out of those amps you listed, definitely go for the 5150. You just can't go wrong there. Especially not for the money. I almost wish I wasn't addicted to the ENGL sound like I am, it would have saved me alot of money last week.
I can also say that I will definitely also try (and probably use!) a 5150 in the studio when it's time for reamping guitar tracks for my band's album. They are that good.
Fifth Horseman... second guitarist in my band has an Engl Invader. I don't really like the tone, and I'm not positive he does (He's too proud to say my 6505 sounds better than his Invader which cost nearly 3x as much).

Have you got any tips on good EQing for the Invader? He's using channel 3 also, but I think the amp could do with thickening up a bit. I've suggested he picks up an OD, but again, is too proud to admit he might need to add stuff to his uber expensive amp. Would you suggest an OD?
Now I'm wanting a 5150! :goggly: While were on the topic, has anyone ever compared a 5150 II to a JSX? I have the JSX and I'm debating if I want to trade.
The 5150II could probably get a little more brutal sounding...other than that it's not worth it IMO.

Well, considering I only got it last week and had a gig coming up I haven't gotten to tweak it all that much.
So far I have two tips:
1) On channel 3, dime the mids. That channel is scooped beyond recognition. Doesn't work well for leads even with dimed mids.
2) Ease up on the Depth punch, though it is lotsa fun having the floor shake and stuff, but less is more in a band mix.
Live I even had it near zero after our soundguy told me about my palmmutes being overbearing.

Maybe make him try channel 2, that one has more mids and generally more of a Marshall vibe (hope he's not too proud to try another channel of his uber expensive amp, haha).

I've never tried an OD in front of it (or any ENGL for that matter)... from reading stuff online it seems like they generally don't benefit much from it. Well, just try it.

Apart from that I don't know how to make any ENGL stand up against a 6505. :D
I'm glad I never had to do that, as the other guitarist in my band has a Blackmore. Which still got more mids and cuts better than the Invader channel 3, but at least it doesn't stomp all over it like a 6505 would.

But on the other hand I once witnessed a local band that made an ENGL Powerball and a 6505 sound GREAT together, as they were dialed in for totally different frequencies.

I have rehearsal again tomorrow and will take more time to tweak the Invader without the stress of the upcoming gig. I'll post if I find out something else.
Well, in the past I have tried out the Invader 100 and 150 on many occasions (a buddy of mine had a 150 until his bands rehearsal space and studio got robbed).
So far I never really liked the voicing of channel 4, and probably the touch response as well. Even the manual states that the response of this channel is slower and "demands more precise playing". It's definitely not as tight and therefore not suited well for rhythm.

But now that you mention that here's something I haven't thought about yet: the high-gain switch.
It does not only change the amount of gain but also the voicing a bit.

As I said, I need to invest alot more time into tweaking, there's many possibilities on this amp and before I got mine I never could tweak it in the band mix... which will probably change alot of my early opinions.
Add to that the fact that I use a GT-10 in four-cable method (maybe 5-cable method soon if I decide to add a midi cable to control the Invader with the GT-10), and the possibilities are almost endless. :D
Dime the mids? It seems like he kinda has too much mid as it is! I'll take note of what you're saying and compare your suggestions to his settings, though. I think it will have to come to us both holding back on trying to get good individual tones and having the amps both sound incredible together. I know it can be done! Thanks for your advice
Meisterjäger;7622296 said:
Dime the mids? It seems like he kinda has too much mid as it is! I'll take note of what you're saying and compare your suggestions to his settings, though. I think it will have to come to us both holding back on trying to get good individual tones and having the amps both sound incredible together. I know it can be done! Thanks for your advice

What pickups is your bandmate using? My Invader 100 sounded very thin and squishy when playing with my Schecter Hellraiser C7 with EMG 707's but with my Carvin with stock pickups, it sounds absolutely awesome.

So when I use my Schecter, I use a Tubescreamer to EQ the guitar before it hits the amp. I have the TS set in a way that it doesen't add any distortion, just shapes the guitar signal

And yep, the depth punch... Keep it low!! I have mine at about 9o'clock. I usually have the bass at 2o'clock on channel 3 and like I said, I use low depth punch settings. That way I get a fatter tone without too much low end. Bright mode on and presence at 2o'clock.

And since the amp has more gain than anyone could ever need, I suggest that your bandmate tries the channels with both the hi gain mode on and off, since the hi gain mode changes how the channel sound and respond.

It's a great amp, but you just need to know how to tweak it.
Damn, no band practice this evening...
I should have mentioned that I currently run my Invader through an ENGL standard cab, which has less mids than the V30 cabs.

Great suggestions by TomiR, he owns his amp way longer than me too.
Can't comment on the EMG issue as I don't like them, it's all Seymour Duncans for me (mainly Custom and Distortion).

BTW does your bandmate have the 150 or 100? There are slight differences, I think on the 150 the Bright switch only works on channel 1 and 2.
I also made the experience that the 100s I played always sounded better than the 150s. But that's more of a gut feeling than a drastic difference, so I'm sure you can make it sound good.