English doom

Favourite out of the big three?

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My Dying Bride. I've been a loyal fan since 'As The Flower Withers' and they are yet to dissapoint me. Anathema and Paradise Lost are easily right up there. I only have the first few of PL. 'Draconian Times' was the last cd I got of theirs, so I've lost touch over the years. 'Serenades' and 'Alternative 4' are the only albums I have of Anathema which I love, but haven't got round to getting any more even though I've always wanted to. But what I've heard on compilations and radio of Anathema and PL I've really enjoyed. So it's not a case of me not liking their directions, but just a sad case of lazyness on my behalf.
Tough call, because I love all three bands. I do agree with PJ in that both Anathema and Paradise Lost have morphed into something different a long time ago, but I have to give it to my sentimental pick, Paradise Lost. Lost Paradise and Gothic are two of my favorite albums of all time. Wait... so is Alternative 4. Oh well...
Well, I voted for Anathema, I like 'em the most all the way from the early stuff through "Judgement." MDB or PL have never really moved me too much, despite attempts: I have three MDB discs and "Gothic" by PL and I don't listen to them much. They're... "OK"
Black Winter Day said:
even though i'm not enamoured with MDB, 'swans' and 'river' are essential to any doom fan
Got 'em. Don't like the vocals on "Angel..." The intro to "From Darkest Skies" is especially cringeworthy.
Dark River is my favorite MDB album...I'll admit that it took me a long time to appreciate Aaron's vocals. The ones Josh mentioned are all very good as well, especially The Dreadful Hours, which I'd rank right behind Dark River and Swans.
Paradise lost, no question there...

although granted PL and anathema are no longer "english doom" PL did in fact "invent" the genre that is gothic doom/death metal, and the other 2 followed shortly. anathema were a thrash band when they started and MDB was a celtic frost/ old school black/death band...what's cool is these 3 bands developed and expanded the sound, yet still not ending up sounding the same. I like all 3 bands, but I voted for PL because they were the first.

now PL is thankfully getting rid of the depeche-modisms, and anathema are getting past the "radiohead" stage...what about MDB? are they embracing a more black metal direction? I guess it's good (for them) since BM is enjoying major label status now eh?
Just using this thread for Anathema discussion...

Believe it or not, the only Anathema I own is Serenades and Alternative 4. To be honest, I love both, although I *currently* lean slightly to the earlier Serenades style. I mean, how beautiful is "Lovelorn Rhapsody"? In any case, is there a prioritized order in which I should start collecting more Anathema records? After reading Erik's review some time ago, I hear Silent Enigma calling my name. Do the re-mastered versions make much of a difference?

Bear in mind I'm also a HUGE Radiohead fan, if indeed Anathema live up to the reputation of having morphed into somewhat of a clone (and I would find it hard to imagine they have an 'OK Computer' or 'The Bends' in their ranks...but do tell me otherwise).