Enslaved - Below the Lights


Heat in 7
Apr 17, 2001
Southern California
The End Records - 2003

By Rodrigo Escandon


The popularity of Enslaved is divided to the fact that either you like the new direction they have taken in their last albums or you do not. In my case, I have and I was definitely looking forward to Below the Lights. The easiest way to describe this newest release is that it is "progressive black/viking metal". It is progressive because of the time changes that occur in the songs and the Black and Viking metal reference is due to the fact that the band hasn't forgotten its roots and they ultimately have created an album that is simply mesmerizing, stunning and just simply brilliant.

The first thing I noticed about the album is the production. It sounds raw and epic at the same time. "As the Fire Swept Clean the Earth" has tons of aggression but the underlying melodies, especially the haunting guitar lines, is what I remember most of the song. The driving and sweeping guitars of "The Dead Stare" just sound huge and Grutle's harsh singing is the perfect range needed to carry the song but the most amazing part of this song begins at 1:51 when the song changes direction and you get some amazing guitar work that culminates at 2:45 with some strange sounds (I believe played by a guitar) that I can only describe them as "space-like" and then the rest of the song continues for 3 more minutes of more driving guitars, bass and pounding drums with some occasional ominous chanting and other strange effects in the background which makes it totally bizarre and simply genius.

Other odd elements added throughout the album are the acoustic guitar in the "The Crossing" which alternates between the slow, melodic acoustic parts to heavier parts. A flute in the beginning of "Queen of Night" and the chanting found in "Havenless" was truly unexpected and it is used very wisely because it is not overused. Finally, the first minute of "Ridicule Swarm" with more "space-like" sounds is awesome and how they perfectly blend to the rest of the song, an aggressive and melodic journey, is just beautiful.

As it stands right now, Below the Lights is my favorite album of the year and about the only complaint I have of the album is the fact that the lyrics are not included in the booklet, that would make the experience of listening to Below the Lights just a little better.

The End Records Website
Enslaved Official Website
I bought it but I couldn't quite see why people love this band so much. I like the mellotron in the first track..
You do not see why people love Enslaved that much? Well, not only is Enslaved pioneers in vking metal, they re-did the viking metal and changed it into something better and worse. Bathory, ensiferum and such nothing worthy viking metal bands has never made such genius lyrics or atmospheric sounds, their way of writing and composing is in such an high level of intelligent and amazing creation the world should never have been without!

- And may all who oppose Enslaved be teared apart in endless agony!
I would'nt refer to Bathory and Ensiferum "and such nothing worthy viking metal bands has never made such genious lyrics or atmospheric sounds....." Enslaved are my favorite "extreme metal" band. But, what the fuck, man they didn't invent the wheel. Get your bands straight. Btw, learn how to make sense when you write.