Ephel Duath! PHWOAR!

There're some in this thread already, plus I emailed a batch to both Emi and Lee, so maybe they will show them to you as well before the review goes online.
Really NIIIIICE photos Mark!

Can't wait to read the review and to see the other photos!

Oh, what I missed!
veil the sky said:
@emi: why? would be pretty cool to have a dedicated forum don't you think???

because we are confortable here, i don't like the idea to "separate" us from our label, I prefere to be involved in everything related to Elitist, to be part of his young history... maybe because I've a label too so I'm usually more interested in labels than bands, or maybe is because I don't feel we are big enough to have a separated forum.
I'll do an ephel duath forum only when/if Lee will ask me to do it because he prefere to keep the Elitist forum only strictly label-oriented, or because he's tired of having us at his home drinking Beers and White Lighting... :)
plus, I'm the only one "in the band" interested in posting this Forum, so it would be quite boring to have a Forum full of my crappy-english messages

As long is would not turn into a weird forum as the Maudlin of the Well one here on UM .. it would be cool to have an Ephel one.