Epic MSN chat

how many people are required for a chat to be epic? i mean... when i think epic, i usually think of battlefields with thousands of warriors, or adventures with a dozen or more prominent characters.

but then again, you could consider a boxing match to be epic, and there are only two boxers...

there were only 5 or 6 in there last night when I had to duck out so I could watch the canucks win in the 4th overtime the next day. i've had far more epic chats on TS and ventrillo with UT and counterstrike players.

You nailed it with the boxing thing. Epic is not defined by numbers, but by personalities. Basically, get three or more syx'y people (haha, symphony x + sexy) and you have an epic chat. Though they're always more epic with vaginas present. So when either SR, Beelz, or kenneth is around :goggly: :lol: