Ermz' Production Tips Compendium (for the newer guys)

The only thing I can add to this is with regard to presets. I think you hit on many important points, but never underestimate the value of presets. For a beginnier, these can be very helpful if you're interested in tinkering around and "reverse engineering" the sounds you're able to achieve from the plugin / sim / synth, etc.

If you're the "roll my sleeves up and dive in head first" kind of person, it may be more beneficial to you to experiment and learn things on your own.

Honestly, much of what I learned in terms of when certain effects are approriate, how they work, what they're actually doing to the sound was all due to experimentation with presets.

Ermz - Hella-Good thread dude! :rock:
I definitely agree with you. I'm not sure how much of the post you read, but my comments aren't at odds with yours. In fact this statement alone seems to cement what you're saying:

Now, don't misinterpret this to mean that you have to disregard presets altogether. On the contrary, presets can be very useful if you know how to draw from them.

then there's:

What you need to do is look at each of these processes and ask yourself WHY it was done and how it altered the source tone. The important thing to draw from is not exactly, to every last detail, what these settings are, but why the processes were done, and how you can implement those same approaches in your own work.

My intention was to instruct the user on how to gain the most from working with presets. Rather than thinking of them as a quick fix solution, they should look at them as a learning tool! So I think we're definitely in agreement.

And cheers! (apparently I have too much time on my hands this month)
I would contribute this at the top of the list :)

READ FIRST! If you are mostly a musician looking to record your demo/EP/CD it is cheaper and faster to talk to one of the nice guys here than trying to learn everything yourself in a rush. Think of it like a whole new instrument, it'll take years to gain proficiency. Would you learn to play drums only to record your own songs? Why not hire a session musician?
You guys are too kind!

As a sidenote I just got my new insulation in. Superchunks all-round whooOOooOO!! (imagine Hard Gay delivering that line)
