Es lebt den Führer!!


May 10, 2005
Calais, Maine (not France)
Sieg Heil, muthafuckas, Sieg Heil! I've got two examples of how much leftist liberals and government cronies worship der Führer and his methods.

First example, the IRS threatening churches to keep their mouths shut on politics.

LOS ANGELES (AP) -- The Internal Revenue Service has been warning churches and nonprofit organizations that improper campaigning in the upcoming political season could endanger their tax-exempt status.

In notices to more than 15,000 tax-exempt organizations, numerous church denominations and tax preparers, the agency has detailed its new enforcement program, called the Political Activity Compliance Initiative, the Los Angeles Times reported Tuesday.

Political Activity Compliance Initiative, my ass! Comply or DIE is their watchword. This reminds me of the 1934 Concordat with Rome, whereby der Führer extracted the churches to shut their mouths about Nazi policies, and they would stop their persecutions. Well, the IRS has always employed SS methods for rounding up the usual suspects. Who's surprised?


BEIRUT: Hizbollah, originally formed as a resistance force opposed to the occupation of southern Lebanon, has been actively engaged in providing social services to the people of Lebanon, including education, medical services, and providing cheap housing for the poor. Their charitable contributions, as well as being politically represented in Lebanon's parliament, and running newspapers and a television network, has resulted in many European countries considering Hizbollah a political party rather than a terrorist network.

Ain't this some shit! Ya know, well before the Nazi takeover of 1933, the same party supplied soup kitchens for hungry ex-soldiers, found employment for those without work, helped with housing issues, provided medical services, children's summer camp, winter relief for widows and orphans, and had several newspapers. Why don't these liberal fucks come round and finally realise DER FÜHRER cared more about charity than they do??

Yet anytime someone says something good about der Führer, some leftist jerk shouts "six million jews!" over and over.

Well, next time some liberal faggit attempts to sing Hebzbollah songs, I'll say, "Well, in that case you must love Hitler. That's it, you want to make sweet love to der Führer! Either that, or I shout "Jew killers!" over and over and over!

Damn, I hate dem hypocrites.

yet another great post Jurched, What is a good way to get people to like you? You give them things they need. Unfortunatly the only thing liberals have given me is a headache...and I didnt want it.
Jurched said:
Sieg Heil, muthafuckas, Sieg Heil! I've got two examples of how much leftist liberals and government cronies worship der Führer and his methods.

First example, the IRS threatening churches to keep their mouths shut on politics.

LOS ANGELES (AP) -- The Internal Revenue Service has been warning churches and nonprofit organizations that improper campaigning in the upcoming political season could endanger their tax-exempt status.

In notices to more than 15,000 tax-exempt organizations, numerous church denominations and tax preparers, the agency has detailed its new enforcement program, called the Political Activity Compliance Initiative, the Los Angeles Times reported Tuesday.

Political Activity Compliance Initiative, my ass! Comply or DIE is their watchword. This reminds me of the 1934 Concordat with Rome, whereby der Führer extracted the churches to shut their mouths about Nazi policies, and they would stop their persecutions. Well, the IRS has always employed SS methods for rounding up the usual suspects. Who's surprised?


BEIRUT: Hizbollah, originally formed as a resistance force opposed to the occupation of southern Lebanon, has been actively engaged in providing social services to the people of Lebanon, including education, medical services, and providing cheap housing for the poor. Their charitable contributions, as well as being politically represented in Lebanon's parliament, and running newspapers and a television network, has resulted in many European countries considering Hizbollah a political party rather than a terrorist network.

Ain't this some shit! Ya know, well before the Nazi takeover of 1933, the same party supplied soup kitchens for hungry ex-soldiers, found employment for those without work, helped with housing issues, provided medical services, children's summer camp, winter relief for widows and orphans, and had several newspapers. Why don't these liberal fucks come round and finally realise DER FÜHRER cared more about charity than they do??

Yet anytime someone says something good about der Führer, some leftist jerk shouts "six million jews!" over and over.

Well, next time some liberal faggit attempts to sing Hebzbollah songs, I'll say, "Well, in that case you must love Hitler. That's it, you want to make sweet love to der Führer! Either that, or I shout "Jew killers!" over and over and over!

Damn, I hate dem hypocrites.


Oh, waaaa.:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

1) Yes, tax religion if they don't stay out of politics. Fuck Jessie Jackson. Fuck Jerry Falwell. Assholes.

2) I hate to break it too you, but the Middle East and Lebanon in particular are so fucked that terror groups like Hizbollah acutally do provide for social services. There is no real central government in Lebanon, hasn't been for years. And to all the Americans do actually were there on vacation, what they fuck were you thinking?????


As for Hizbollah,,,when your starving and destitute because your government doesn't give a shit about you...who's gonna fill that vaccuum, you don't care where the money comes from or what the cause is long as your basic needs as a human being are being met.

Same goes for Nazi Germany in Hitler's early days. And for the most part why the mafia get away with things here...the palm gets greased the mouth stays shut.
The Hizbollah and Syria are well aware of the 25 000 american citizens and 50 000 citizens from Canada who are stuck there and that it´s all over the news. As for Israel, I don´t think they give a fuck about anything as long as they get to bomb someone.
ZeeZooZum said:
1) Yes, tax religion if they don't stay out of politics. Fuck Jessie Jackson. Fuck Jerry Falwell. Assholes.

2) I hate to break it too you, but the Middle East and Lebanon in particular are so fucked that terror groups like Hizbollah acutally do provide for social services. There is no real central government in Lebanon, hasn't been for years. And to all the Americans do actually were there on vacation, what they fuck were you thinking?????

Ohh, il professore! Good to see you use the curse words now an' then~

My point had nothing to do with tax status of churches or charitable terrorists.

It was MERELY a reaction to the sort of shit I'm reading in the newspapers. Its too easy to compare it all to what I've read in the history books, and then judge the stupid fucks who are saying the same shit their granddaddies said 70 years ago.

Let's not get uptight, now, Zee :loco:
