ESP news

Yeah, much of that is true, especially in terms of hardware. The stock Floyd Rose and genuine Dimarzio pickups set my Heatrfield apart from the common Ibanez, though they are made in the same factory.
FLechdrop said:
I read some stuff on his site (almost all of it lol) and I would say he knows pretty much what he's talking about. At least way more than most of you.

Still doesn't change the fact he's an asshole... He may know about guitars, but from what i hear it's 50/50 chance of getting a crap guitar made from this guy. So will he say the same thing about a Ibanez J-Custom or Prestige model? Oh that's right if it's asian or not american it's crap.
rockmanxpr said:
Still doesn't change the fact he's an asshole... He may know about guitars, but from what i hear it's 50/50 chance of getting a crap guitar made from this guy. So will he say the same thing about a Ibanez J-Custom or Prestige model? Oh that's right if it's asian or not american it's crap.

He may be an asshole, but that doesn't change the fact that the public doesn't get the highest quality Ibanez's available. my friend spoke to the head of the USA custom shop and he even told him that. The artists get their best guitars, the guitars they release to the public will always be subpar, no matter how expensive. Whereas a company like ESP, their top of the line guitars are THE SAME QUALITY as their custom shop.
Yngvai X said:
He may be an asshole, but that doesn't change the fact that the public doesn't get the highest quality Ibanez's available. my friend spoke to the head of the USA custom shop and he even told him that. The artists get their best guitars, the guitars they release to the public will always be subpar, no matter how expensive. Whereas a company like ESP, their top of the line guitars are THE SAME QUALITY as their custom shop.

Yes that's true about the American Ibanez's, so that's why I am very fortunate to have a job that takes me to Japan every now and then. I bought my last Ibanez in 2001, it's an RG770FM, they just released it that year, really gorgeous guitar. Naturally I changed out my Pickups, but I only paid $540 with gig bag, strings, and a couple of Paul Gilbert picks :p I am in Hiroshima Japan right now and there is a ESP custom shop here too, so later I'll be checking out the guitars they have there that are the production line.
rockmanxpr said:
Still doesn't change the fact he's an asshole... He may know about guitars, but from what i hear it's 50/50 chance of getting a crap guitar made from this guy. So will he say the same thing about a Ibanez J-Custom or Prestige model? Oh that's right if it's asian or not american it's crap.

1 - Ed Roman MAY be an asshole but he's brutally honest and I have a GREAT respect for that kind of people.
2 - Go again to the places you 'learnt' that the chances of getting crap from him is so great and see that most of the 'critiques' should be actually called "FLAMES". If I post a negative comment I'd leave my name AND e-mail. For a basic idea of who the flamers are read his 'flamers' rant. The sometimes sloppy paintjobs seems to be truth, though.
3 - The Prestige models are CNC crafted as far as I know.
4 - He doesn't say asian guitars are crap. He says they're overpriced and could be a lot better.

BTW ESP have included the TonePros bridges and Original Floyds on their high end models, even being a Japanese company. Hats off to that.

One more thing - I've heard from Jackson owners that sometimes ESP do flimsy Floyd rose instalation, and that's custom shop (look at the reviews of the american Jacksons and the Jackson custom shops at Harmony Central).
They might be pretty weak in terms of hardware, but I love the feel of my Ibanez (I have an RG7 621 - the discontinued fixed-bridge 7-string)... although my next guitar has a 50/50 chance of being Ibanez, due to the fact that the "asshole" guy is pretty much correct.
FLechdrop said:
I read some stuff on his site (almost all of it lol) and I would say he knows pretty much what he's talking about. At least way more than most of you.

I would jsut like to add that Ed Roman is a knowledgeable person when it comes to instrument building and design.But he plays games with people's minds and speaks half/truths with the intention of making certain products look bad while making his products look better.

I have personally done business with Ed face to face and been screwed by him.He took advantage of my ignorance when I was about 19 and ripped me off.

While Ed Roman is intellignet and knowledgeable, he is not trustworthy nor does he have any business can find better,more honest facts about guitars elsewhere.
Needled24Seven said:
theyre about 1000x, no joke. once you get used to them youll never go back to the baseball bat. you can get alot faster with a thin neck and it feels so much better!:D

On the contrary, I went from an Ibanez to an ESP *because* I couldn't stand that wafer of a neck. Its so much more comfortable when theres actually some roundness to the neck. As far as thinner necks making you play faster? Well...lets look at the players who use strat-like necks as opposed to Ibanez style: Yngwie, Joe Stump, Romeo, Bellas, Borislav Mitic, Greg Howe, Alexi Laiho...those are just off the top of my head. Its just silly to think the thickness of the neck has anything to do with how fast you can play. Its just a comfort thing.
Needled24Seven said:
well a good player is going to play good regardless, but it slickness certainly helps speed. its just common sense. you prolly didnt give it enough of a chance. it takes time, but when its happens its wonderful.:tickled:

I played Ibanez for almost 3 years. I think I gave it enough time ;)
Don't forget that the Wizard neck isn't the only neck Ibanez makes.THe prestige neck on my RG2020x is not flat at all and has a nice meaty radius.

Ibanez has been putting out better necks lately and even though not all their necks are prestige quality,quite a few of them are.The RG3120 also has a substantial neck.I have a 970xl which has a thinner neck but it isnot as thin as a typical wizard.