ESP vs LTD (in price)

I compared an ltd ec-1000 to a esp eclipse, if I had the money i'd pick up the ESP, the built quality is amazing, it feels better, sounds better and generally kicks ass. I wish i had the money though :/
I just love my ESP, kills other guitars I have had (Les Paul studio and a RR1). If money was a bit tight, I'd be looking out for a second hand one from somewhere like the Bmusic forum (say from someone trading up to a custom shop):).
Got an interesting deal on a EC401 but i'm a bit fearful about it for playing in low tuning. Any of you have experienced it with Drop B or C standard? I use 0.13/0.56 nowadays but i'm going to try zakk wylde strings set which is 0.10/0.60 (w/ plain G string, i hate that wounded G string).
What can you guys tell me about it?
I have an ESP Viper and an LTD EC-1000. I will say the 1000 series is a helluva bargain. They are killer guitars and they stand up again the big ESPs. However, I'm glad I spent the money on the ESP. It just has something that the 1000 doesn't. ESP is made in Japan and the 1000s are made in Korea. At least mine are. I wouldn't go any lower than 1000. For the money, it's not worth it. 1000 series can be picked up cheap. If you have the cash, by all means go ESP.
I have an Eclipse custom and an MI NTB standard and they are both fantastic guitars. Every guitarist who comes into the studio goes crazy for the Eclipse.
The MI NTB is a studio's dream guitar. It will take any tuning and cuts beautifully. I swapped the 81 for an 85 in it. The 81 was a bit thin but the 85 is perfect.
I recently had a band in whose guitarist had an eclipse standard and it was ok but not great. My custom was vastly better than it.
I used to own a guitar shop that was an ESP dealer and we sold as much ESP standard stuff as LTDs. The 400 Korean series was really good price/quality but I always thought the 1000 deluxe series was a bit in no man's land price wise. If you are going to spend 1K on an LTD guitar why not add a couple of hundred and the the real deal ESP.