Essay on Black Sabbath

witchcraftspawnedgorgon said:
- Pierre Bouvier voice is very distinct of all other singers, just like Ozzy Osbourne.


Hes destinctive in the sense that he sounds like a fourteen year old boy who wigns about stupid cliche, preteen angst shit and makes millions of dollars.

oh wait, that's not being distinctive, that's being exactly how his label andall his fucking stupid emo fucks that listen to it want him to be!

holy fuck you're dumb man, like it's excusable if you're under 13 but if not, you are a total idiot man.

and why is simple plan not metal? ARE YOU FUCKING JOKING????????

Fuck off cunt :kickass:
um, I wouldn't consider myself either a dumbass or a cunt, but I won't post on this thread again, apparantly my opinion has been stated a few times, i didn't read the whole thread, I just read that unbelievable essay and posted. That kind of thing ticks me off..

And come on man, sorry i went off but seriously. It doesn't fucking matter if you like simple plan and want to listen to metal (its pretty odd but ok). just listen to music and lots of it and like what ever the fuck you want to. Don't ask people on a metal forum if you should continue to listen to a band or if you should hide it, you just gotta love MUSIC, that's all it's about.

haha oh dear, forums are fucked up
I believe his statement was misunderstood. He meant to say, "and 'why is simple plan not metal?' ARE YOU FUCKING JOKING????????"
Sigh, OK, I guess I might as well give up on this forum, seeing than to most of you think I'm a poseur.
Time to PROVE Simple Plan IS NOT metal! Look at THIS....

:guh: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


And you don't have to leave a forum. But c'mon dude! If you like them and it makes you happy that's all that matters. But I'm NOT gonna try and convince anyone that TED NUGENT is a Country artist because he has a couple of blusey hooks. Open your eyes and you will be fine here.
Amarantus said:
Don't listen to MetalDude Starco. You really should leave.

:lol: :goggly: Well I tried. Just trying to not take sides but what he says is nonsense. That's like saying bands like the Vapors,The Kings or The Knack "My Sharona" is metal because it was edgier and had a cool guitar solo. Some things are CLEAR. One thing that is clear is that Simple Plan is NOT metal. Listen to the song Shut Up and there is a second FACT that they are not metal. Compare them to Blink 182 or something and you may be a little closer inside the field you prefer to play on.