TURISAS – launch tour competition; Europe & UK tour starts tomorrow!
To properly celebrate the start of their first headliner tour through Europe & UK, Finnish folk/metal warriors TURISAS have now launched an exclusive competition especially for you, the fans! Here are the details:
Be "the face in the crowd"!
On each of the upcoming shows TURISAS will take a picture of the audience every night from the stage and pick out one face randomly from the crowd. That person will be the lucky winner of an impressive TURISAS-fan package, including a signed tour poster with war paint hand prints of all band members on it, a signed 'fan extraordinaire' tour-pass, a guitar pick, a lighter and, of course, a printed and signed version of your photo in the crowd. To win, all you have to do is make sure you catch TURISAS on one of their many shows, rock out in the crowd and be picked as the lucky one!
After the show make sure to check the official Turisas discussion forum regularly for your face and if you are the chosen one, take a picture of yourself holding the ticket of the show (so please make sure you keep it) and send an email with that picture of yours plus the exact date and place of the show to the following address:
For the UK dates of the tour, Rock Sound Magazine will host the competition by printing the pictures of the winners in the magazine out on 23rd April, and make the price package even more impressive by throwing in an official tourshirst and a signed drumstick. Also make sure to check out the lates issue (nr. 107) with a special feature on
Turisas. For details on the Rock Sound –hosted competition, please click the logo below to go to their website.

So, don't miss this chance to win your personal TURISAS-fan package by checking this topic regularly for the audience shots & go nuts at the following dates:
Special guest: Norther (FIN)
Support on UK-leg: Alestorm (SCO)
Presented by Rock Sound (UK), MySpace.com (D), Rock Hard (D), Heavy (D), Orkus (D) und Metal.de (D)
Mar. 01 - Northampton, UK @ Soundhouse
Mar. 02 - Sheffield, UK @ Corporation
Mar. 03 - Aberdeen, UK @ Moshulu
Mar. 04 - Edinburgh, UK @ Studio 24
Mar. 05 - Liverpool, UK @ Academy 2
Mar. 06 - Norwich, UK @ Waterfront
Mar. 07 - Peterborough, UK @ Park
Mar. 08 - Leeds, UK @ Cockpit
Mar. 10 - Exeter, UK @ Cavern
Mar. 11 - Cardiff, UK @ Clwb Ifor Bach
Mar. 12 - Southampton, UK @ The Brook
Mar. 13 - London, UK @ Electric Ballroom
Mar. 14 - Brighton, UK @ Concorde 2
Mar. 15 - Haarlem, Netherlands @ Patronaat
Mar. 16 - Nijmegen, Netherlands @ Doornroosje
Mar. 18 - Hamburg, Germany @ Marx
Mar. 19 - Karlsruhe, Germany @ Substage
Mar. 20 - Munich, Germany @ Metropolis
Mar. 21 - Winterthur, Switzerland @ Salzhaus
Mar. 22 - Bochum, Germany @ Matrix
Mar. 23 - Berlin, Germany @ Kato
Mar. 25 - Vienna, Austria @ Planet Music
Mar. 26 - Bratislava, Slovakia @ Randal
Mar. 27 - Prague, Czech Republic @ Rock Café
Mar. 28 - Lichtenfels, Germany @ Ragnarök Festival
Mar. 29 - Osnabrueck, Germany @ Tomahawk Festival
Mar. 31 - Malmö, Sweden @ KB
Apr. 01 - Gothenburg, Sweden @ Musikens Hus
Apr. 02 - Copenhagen, Denmark @ The Rock*
Apr. 03 - Oslo, Norway @ John Dee*
Apr. 04 - Stockholm, Sweden @ Klubben*
*) = Without Norther
TURISAS – starten Fan-Wettbewerb zum Beginn ihrer Europa & UK-Tour!
Um den Start ihrer ersten Headliner-Tour durch Europa/UK am morgigen Samstag gebührend zu feiern, laden die finnischen Folk/Metal Krieger TURISAS ihre wahren Fans zu einem ganz besonderen Wettbewerb ein, hier die Details:
Werdet zum Auserwählten!
Auf jeder der anstehenden Shows werden TURISAS von der Bühne aus ein Foto vom Publikum machen und ein Gesicht pro Show zufällig auswählen. Diese Person gewinnt dann ein extra fettes TURISAS-Fanpaket! Darin enthalten sind ein signiertes Tourposter mit blutigen Handabdrücken aller Bandmitglieder, ein ebenfalls signierter „Fan Extraordinaire" Tour-Pass, ein TURISAS Plektron, ein Feuerzeug sowie natürlich ein signiertes Exemplar eures Fotos. Ihr müsst nur zu den Shows gehen, durchdrehen und dann seid ihr vielleicht unter den glücklichen Gewinnern!
Schaut einfach nach der Show unter
http://www.ultimatemetal.com/forum/turisas/372729-tour-competition.html nach, ob dort euer Gesicht auftaucht, schießt dann ein Beweisphoto von euch, auf dem ihr das Ticket der besuchten Show hochhaltet (also schmeißt die Karte nicht einfach weg!) und schickt dieses Bild dann an folgende Email-Adresse inklusive Datum/Clubname der Show:
Also lasst euch die Chance nicht entgehen, dieses schicke Fan-Paket zu gewinnen und seht zu dass ihr an folgenden Daten in der vordersten Reihe steht und richtig abgeht!
Special guest: Norther (FIN)
Support on UK-leg: Alestorm (SCO)
Presented by MySpace.com (D), Rock Hard (D), Heavy (D), Orkus (D) und Metal.de (D)
Mar. 01 - Northampton, UK @ Soundhouse
Mar. 02 - Sheffield, UK @ Corporation
Mar. 03 - Aberdeen, UK @ Moshulu
Mar. 04 - Edinburgh, UK @ Studio 24
Mar. 05 - Liverpool, UK @ Academy 2
Mar. 06 - Norwich, UK @ Waterfront
Mar. 07 - Peterborough, UK @ Park
Mar. 08 - Leeds, UK @ Cockpit
Mar. 10 - Exeter, UK @ Cavern
Mar. 11 - Cardiff, UK @ Clwb Ifor Bach
Mar. 12 - Southampton, UK @ The Brook
Mar. 13 - London, UK @ Electric Ballroom
Mar. 14 - Brighton, UK @ Concorde 2
Mar. 15 - Haarlem, Netherlands @ Patronaat
Mar. 16 - Nijmegen, Netherlands @ Doornroosje
Mar. 18 - Hamburg, Germany @ Marx
Mar. 19 - Karlsruhe, Germany @ Substage
Mar. 20 - Munich, Germany @ Metropolis
Mar. 21 - Winterthur, Switzerland @ Salzhaus
Mar. 22 - Bochum, Germany @ Matrix
Mar. 23 - Berlin, Germany @ Kato
Mar. 25 - Vienna, Austria @ Planet Music
Mar. 26 - Bratislava, Slovakia @ Randal
Mar. 27 - Prague, Czech Republic @ Rock Café
Mar. 28 - Lichtenfels, Germany @ Ragnarök Festival
Mar. 29 - Osnabrueck, Germany @ Tomahawk Festival
Mar. 31 - Malmö, Sweden @ KB
Apr. 01 - Gothenburg, Sweden @ Musikens Hus
Apr. 02 - Copenhagen, Denmark @ The Rock*
Apr. 03 - Oslo, Norway @ John Dee*
Apr. 04 - Stockholm, Sweden @ Klubben*
*) = Without Norther