european tour 2008!

where the fuck is the fucking Master's Apprentice? That's the only song I want to hear by must !"!! my first time to see opeth :P
Have Cynic been covering Meeting of the Spirits on this tour?


In vienna they played whole TiA (execpt Unknown) and How Could I ...
Pretty short setlist,and for those who didn't see them last year (and heard allmost all songs from Focus), a little bit of a disappointment, but as someone above said, they will probably do headlining tour in 09...
Can't wait for that :)
Munich was fuckin awesome! it wa my first opeth gig (actually my first real gig) and i was blown away. fuckin brutal! :)
someone, by any chance, uploaded some photos?
Heya all... We´re going today to the show in Hamburg... anyone knows if Cameras are allowed?... photo cams I mean.. we have a Pentax K100 D, I´ve read some reviews online where seems they don´t care about people taking photos, but seems in some shows the security have been quite annoying about cams, even cell phone, supposedly about filming videos...

anyone knows something else?....
I don't dispute your point, although I will say that Opeth in London a few weeks ago were simply brilliant. Cynic were good, but Opeth ruled..and I think most people who were there might agree.

With regards to the set list, I've been thinking about this and I think part of the problem is simply too much the "old" days, we had no idea what a bands set list might be, unless you happened to know someone who saw them on a different night...or read a review in the WEEKLY music news..who never told you the whole set list anyway!..

It seems to me that the "surprise" element has been taken away now, and that was a big part of the fun of going to gigs...what are they going to start with? many new songs?..wonder if they'll do my favourite?..etc,etc.

The sheer adrenalin of hearing each song as it started, especially if the singer didn't announce it was just fantastic..that way, you could just enjoy the moment, or, not, if it sucked!...rather than thinking "oh, it'll be "Deliverance" next, I've heard it a million times.."...even if the version of "Deliverance" that was played was the BEST version ever, some of the joy would have been reduced just by your pre-conceived view of the song.

Actually, for me, what made the London gig astonishing, was that despite knowing the exact likely set-list, every song crushed...

In future though, I think I'm going to avoid finding out what the set list is and just try and enjoy whatever happens..

yes i agree with you, i was upset to hear beforehand that basically i was going to hear the same songs i had heard before on this forum. however, in the end it really didnt matter because the gig itself was so fucking blinding. so my down-heartedness before the gig was totally unfounded.

in fact, we got lucky as most of the other gigs on this tour did not get Bleak, we did.

having said that, i do crave for some different live material and i think that mikael has registered that just from reading this forum.

so this forum has good and bad attributes.
i must say that who ever said that demon of the fall does not sound as good live as the studio version, is talking utter bollocks. it sounds BETTER with Per's synths. Far better and totally, monumentally epic. I would never get tired about hearing it live.
Hi there, my first post after years of reading, so hello to everyone :)

I've been to the show in Berlin yesterday... The gig was f'n awesome I must say. Decent sound at Postbahnhof (better than the Opeth gig in 06), the band sounded tight (Cheers to Fredrik, he fits so well into Opeth!) and Mike was funny as hell - especially the story about Opeth's love for cakes :D <<People are asking me "Hey where is Mendez, where did he go? He is getting rounder and rounder." ...I'm not gay, but I think he is very hot!>>

The situation right before Demon of the Fall was also pretty funny. Mike pronounced that they will play the last song for tonight. The whole croud was like freakin' out and booing. Mike told in a very whiny voice, we shouldn't boo and then he started to play some crappy metal riff and everybody was laughing again. I will allways remember yesterday, so far the best entertaining and most energetic gig, I've ever been to. Thank you Opeth :)

The setlist... I don't agree with the complaints about the setlist of the European Tour.

Well, the songs have been played a lot in the past years, but the more they are played, the tighter they sound I think. And songs like Deliverance (the last 5 minutes were so fucking intense) and especially Godhead's Lament... Common guys, how can you get enough of those songs? ;) The Grand Conjuration is a brutal beast live, The Lotus Eater and Heir Apparent are new (and so nicely performed, I got tears of joy to my eyes), Hope Leaves with an awesome prog rockish solo at the end which was definitely a highlight... I think the setlist is pretty versatile, even though some songs have been played live more often than others.

But there is also something what makes me pissed. I don't understand Eventim's booking of The Ocean. Their music didn't fit the crowds taste I think and of course The Ocean doesn't really fit to Cynic's and Opeth's music. I really got sic of the semi ambient, "progressive" and boring song structures. I hated the screamo singing and all in all their songs are way to long and in my opinion modestly uninspired. Also their performance was unprofessional... The bassist was so unconcentrated that he nearly fell of the stage into the crowd. That was a close shave... After the gig, we met a guy and his girlfriend at McDonalds. They were also complaining about that situation... The Ocean's bassist nearly fell onto them.

Eventim should have cancled their booking and let Opeth play longer instead. Cynic were new to me, but they rocked, nice melodies in combination with heavy parts and complex rhythm changes. I will have a closer look at them in the future ;)

About the cameras... there were no problems in Berlin.

So far,


Yes Berlin was very great. Cynic was a masterpeace and Opeth,too. The sound was the best one i´ve ever heard on a concert and the performance of every band was awsome.
The Ocean was awsome too but i think you must like this kind of music. It´s good that not every people like the same music.

The setlist from Berlin.

1.Heir Apparent
2.The Grand Conjuration
3.Godhead´s Lament
4.The Lotus Eater
5.Hope Leaves
7.Demon of the Fall
8.Pieces from Hessian Peel
9.The Drapery Falls


The entertainment of Mikael was the funniest i´ve ever heard. :D

Some pictures. (shitty mobile phone cam but with nice unintentional effects).

Guys ! I never been in an Opeth gig before, but, do U really find the seltlist before u enter??????????????????? !!! WTF ! i would close my eyes until i hear mike saying: we are opeth from stockholm (after the second song i bet :p ) anyways.that sux damn !