I laughed so much to this. That's so...Argh! I think the teenage girls are in front row usually because they want to see the last band so they stay there the whole day. Idiots.Oh yeah! It's always like that! The annoying teenage girls are at the front while all the big ugly metal-hungry guys are behind them. Last Tuska i was nailed to the ass on a fucking 14-year old(looked like she was that atleast)who was just leaning against the fence watching them while i was going crazy trying to get ino there and headbanging like shit. It made me pissedHow is it that the people in front row often are idiots/assholes?
I'm sorry for 'the phenom'. I wish you would've found the same queue where i were with my friend..We got there 18.30 as well. Missed 2 songs.
I saw Alexi ripping hair out of his guitar. It was funny but normal... Just came to my mind...

I couldn't believe my ears when Bodom started...It suck that they couldn't start @ 19.30...!!! PERKELE.