Tour with Slipknot?

In general people dont like it when a band they really like, tours with a band they really dont like. Get the idea?

I have to see Symphony X with Epica ok, I'm not BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWing about it, I've sat through MANY fucking bands I hate to see the ones I love, it's just part of the show, bands like to make sure they get a lot of bands with different sound so the concert is enjoyable for all kinds of fans, not just one type.
But you won't want to pay more to see less from the band you like. If Slipknot were opening act and Bodom headliners then it wouldn't be half as bad, cos you would be paying for a full Bodom show and getting it, not paying a lot for a Slipknot show you don't want to see just to see a short COB performance.
Maybe not the best combo in fact of music, but on the other hand it's good publicity, CoB will play on a bigger scale, and attract people who haven't listened to them before. You can diss it all you want, but can't argue that the fanbase and popularity of Slipknot in the US is way above of that of CoB.
Maybe not the best combo in fact of music, but on the other hand it's good publicity, CoB will play on a bigger scale, and attract people who haven't listened to them before. You can diss it all you want, but can't argue that the fanbase and popularity of Slipknot in the US is way above of that of CoB.

But COB isn't commercial MTV garbage. ^^
But COB isn't commercial MTV garbage. ^^

I'm not implying that they are a bad band. But srsly, it's all show business one way or the other, although of different kind. CoB def. needs more publicity in the US, and they will get it from Slipknot tour. The band needs to earn money, y'know. Any band does.
COB would go great together with Slipknot.

Like one Blooddrunk review in the Encyclopaedia Metallum points out: "I recommend this album for 13-year-old goth kiddies. I know they will enjoy this album, at least more than I did."
I have to see Symphony X with Epica ok, I'm not BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWing about it, I've sat through MANY fucking bands I hate to see the ones I love, it's just part of the show, bands like to make sure they get a lot of bands with different sound so the concert is enjoyable for all kinds of fans, not just one type.

eventhough you had to go through such hard times, soldier joe, let people complain about slipknot touring with bodom.
there was always this gay clash between Slipknotfanbois who omfg!!11love Bodom ( =>bodomknotfanbois) and the ...real... :rolleyes: fans.
If my favourite band was playing along with another band i really can't stand maybe I would go anyhow too if I would really love to see them.
I have to see Symphony X with Epica ok, I'm not BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWing about it, I've sat through MANY fucking bands I hate to see the ones I love, it's just part of the show, bands like to make sure they get a lot of bands with different sound so the concert is enjoyable for all kinds of fans, not just one type.

True. I had to go through a Sonic Syndicate set just to see a short Dark Tranquillity set. It was painful :lol: they have two singers and they both sound exactly the same, and all their songs are the exact same was worth it though, was my first time seeing DT and they are totally amazing live. I got to see them for the second time (headlining this time) about 2 months ago, again, witha shit band supporting (not as bad as the other one :p).

But you won't want to pay more to see less from the band you like. If Slipknot were opening act and Bodom headliners then it wouldn't be half as bad, cos you would be paying for a full Bodom show and getting it, not paying a lot for a Slipknot show you don't want to see just to see a short COB performance.

Also true.

Maybe not the best combo in fact of music, but on the other hand it's good publicity, CoB will play on a bigger scale, and attract people who haven't listened to them before. You can diss it all you want, but can't argue that the fanbase and popularity of Slipknot in the US is way above of that of CoB.

They already toured with a big band (Slayer) and they're gonna start the Gigantour with Megadeth soon, which is way better than touring with Slipknot...

COB would go great together with Slipknot.

Like one Blooddrunk review in the Encyclopaedia Metallum points out: "I recommend this album for 13-year-old goth kiddies. I know they will enjoy this album, at least more than I did."

Your comments and opinions matter just as much as the pig's opinion in your avatar.
They already toured with a big band (Slayer) and they're gonna start the Gigantour with Megadeth soon, which is way better than touring with Slipknot...

Well, I don't like Slayer, and I'm probably not the only one. I'm also sure there's people who like both CoB and Slipknot (just imagine lol). You can't satisfy everyone.
At the end of the day, Ektomorf sucked, Thine Eyes Bleed sucked, In Flames FUCKING sucked, Slayer suck surefire everytime so no surprise. I didn't go see them for any of those bands, and these days Slayer, playing stuff from christ illusion whilst Tom Araya is a self admitted catholic, are more of a joke than Shitknot ever were. So why complain? You're still seeing COB.
It could've been funnier if it was with Korn! We could've called it "Korn on the COB" :lol: :lol: No sexual innuendos plz... it's a candy for incults.

XD XD XD I fucking lol'd at that!

Like one Blooddrunk review in the Encyclopaedia Metallum points out: "I recommend this album for 13-year-old goth kiddies. I know they will enjoy this album, at least more than I did."

Wow, only 3 years off... I'm a 16 year old goth kiddie who loves Blooddrunk! :lol:
At the end of the day, Ektomorf sucked, Thine Eyes Bleed sucked, In Flames FUCKING sucked, Slayer suck surefire everytime so no surprise. I didn't go see them for any of those bands, and these days Slayer, playing stuff from christ illusion whilst Tom Araya is a self admitted catholic, are more of a joke than Shitknot ever were. So why complain? You're still seeing COB.

WTF happens with Slayer? If what you want to see is kickass solos and elaborated harmonies they're not your band, but I don't like =/= sucks, Slayer are a grea THRASH metal band, and they do what they do great. Stop blaming them for doing what they want to do and remaining on their style (except for some CD's, see Diabolus In Musica). Of course they aren't the most suitable band for Bodom fans usually (thrash with COB's keyboard fueled metal) but this doesn't mean they're bad. They are not mainstream fags who compose albums that everyone likes betraying their own style. About the satanic lyrics, Kerry King has always said that no one in the band is satanic neither belives in what they write, they just want to freak out people, and Tom Araya has repeated million times that he doesn't give a fuck about what he sings and has never tried to change their lyrics: KK and Jeff Haneman compose and he sings what they give to him, this is his job and he has no problem in doing it.

I don't personally like the idea of COB performing with Slipknot. At all. Hopefully COB will refuse their request.

I hope too, but Alexi seems really happy about it, and since he's the frontman and he is the one who takes this kind of decisions I think that this tour will indeed happen. Thank god it won't come to Europe and Bodom will come here with better touring partners.