ever get sick of your friends or family, so you tell them to take a hike?


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
because i've cut off friends in the past and i'm getting ready to do it again, even if don't really know more than 5 dudes that i would consider close. sorta sucks, but sometimes people around you suck your will to live and you need to make them go away.

anybody else ever do this?
When I was getting sick of everything and everyone around me back in 2002, I went to New Zealand for half a year. Best time of my life. :dopey: I can't afford plane tickets now, so I just don't answer the phone/ emails and keep away from everyone when I feel like being alone. Which happens quite often actually.
Usually, the only time that's happened with me is when some catastrophic event separated us for some reason. But, with the really good friends, we've always made amends later. You could maybe take a sabbatical, explain to them what's going on, and tell 'em you need some time off?
family never really ... i don't have much of it to begin with.

friends ... hell yes ... some people are just dead weight ... and like you said NAD, suck the will to live out of you.
you have to recognize there is a huge difference between true friends and those who are merely friendly. and just cause someone is of your blood, does not mean they're not an asshat.

I've never actually gotten in someone's face and said, "leave me the fuck alone", I just avoid them until they get the message that there is nothing there for them. the only person this hasn't worked on is the tard cleaning guy at work who calls me "guitar man" wtg.
lizard said:
I've never actually gotten in someone's face and said, "leave me the fuck alone", I just avoid them until they get the message that there is nothing there for them.
yeah that's my basic method.

i dunno, i haven't decided if i'm going to do this because when i have in the past it's permanent. i've been doing a lot of thinking lately though, and he's done some shitty things to other people that end up blowing up in MY face even if i had absolutely nothing to do with any of it. although actually, i might not have to bother with it because he's probably moving across the country soon, so yeah.

i'm not close to my family, or at least my extended family. i've never believed in that blood is thicker than water bullshit, everyone is related to at least one asshole. probably more.
lizard said:
dude, if you're getting hit with shit from his actions, then he may have to occupy a much less prominent part in your life. once, okay. twice: hmmmmm.
well, it only happened once and it was several years ago. but i hadn't thought about it for awhile until recently and i thought "damn, i pretty much rearranged my entire life because of what he did" and i don't think anyone ever thought of that. granted, nothing like that has happened since, but it still raises my bullshit meter with that dude from time to time.
Erik said:
wanna bet? ill get the thickness meter you get two glasses of said substances
Yeah, sure I've cut off a few friends in the past. The last time was about a year and a half ago. I went to Paris and just didn't tell the guy I'd been back for like a month or two. When he found out I'd been back for so long, he got the idea really fast.
I've had times where I've gotten really confused about who were my friends and who were the parasitical asshats who were just hanging around because their lazy broke asses found me useful as a combination cashpoint/coatstand/cigarette vendor/shoulder to bitch about their worthless, petty lives to, so I just cut myself off from society for a month or so and really, really thought about who I actually wanted to keep in touch with - by the end of it, I always came out with a good idea of who was actually concerned for my wellbeing and who just didn't even notice I hadn't been around in a while.
Im to paranoid to have more than one or two friends. I also get bored with most people relatively quickly. Nothing personal against my family but I really wouldnt shed a tear if I never had contact with them again. Some people are simply on different wave lengths and cannot get along at all.
I "dumped" a friend once... and I had already asked her to be my maid of honor in my wedding (though I did that more b/c I knew she would have a hissy fit if I only asked her to be a bridesmaid). She was always high maintenance and often a PIA, then came to visit JK and me in NY and that weekend was the straw that broke the camel's back. I didn't speak to her the day she left and she got the message quickly. She kept calling and emailing. I emailed and said I needed time before I could talk to her again and that I would tell her when I was ready. I never spoke to her again. She tried contacting me a couple of times and then again a few years later, but I never responded. The only problem is that now I'm totally paranoid everytime I'm in my hometown that I'm going to run into her.