Chromatose |----These 3 always drive up for Distorted Mind shows and Nevermore in Philly
deathstrike from hell---Met him in Cleveland, 2003
Wolftribe--------------Comes down for DM shows
DreamNeonBlack-------Came down for my birthday party

MadeInNewJersey------Met in March 2003 at March Metal Meltdown, and again in June 2003 at the BWBK fest
General Zod-----------Drunk off his ass at BWBK
Reverend Joint Smoker-BWBK fest. Grabbed my ass and pushed me on stage

Soul of Ice------------Came down for my birthday partay. Meeting again on Monday at Green Carnation
En Vind Av Sorg-------At some concert. I forget which.
Souls of Black---------Let me and my friend crash at his place on the way out to Cali
guitarguru------------See Souls of Black
Tempest--------------My good friend and 2nd guitarist, Mike
Zob Rombie-----------************** former drummer, Dan
SirDidymus------------************** bassist, Bill
The Philosopher-------Greg Bueno from Semper Tyrannis
i... THINK that'll about do it