Evergrey begin work on new CD!!!

... They strayed a lot from their sound in the last album, and I still dont like it as much as their previous albums... I used to say that Evergrey had found the perfect sound for me, a sound where they could basically re-do the same album over and over and I'd still like it... but the last album, was just weird for me.
I've found alot of ppl who were somewhat upset with the last album. Personally...yes it was a little different at first, but I love Monday Morning Apocalypse. It's not their best by far but I still love it. Can't wait for the new album and hopefully a US tour.
:headbang: YIPEEE!!!! Can't wait. MMA was different than the other cd's but to me the tone was still there. A 2007 must buy and must see tour.:Shedevil:
I think a lot of great bands have put subpart (by their standards) releases this year.

Blind Guardian's newest one, while still fantastic, doesn't hold a candle to their last couple of album.

The new Angra album is probably their weakest since Fireworks. Definately disappointing after the awesome Temple of Shadows.

The new Wuthering Heights is growing on me more... but the band definately went heavier and darker and lost a lot of their folkish epic appeal. While the heavy riffs are great, there are no kickass ballads and not nearly enough violins and orchestral touches like the last two albums.

And the latest Evergrey, while not a terrible album by any means, just doesn't hold a candle to their other releases.

And I haven't listened to the new Rhapsody yet (even though I've had it since Nov. 25.)... because I'm afraid it's going to be as disappointing as Symphony of Enchanted Lands Part II was.

The new Vanden Plas is really good... but it more makes me want to go back and listen to Beyond Daylight again, considering that's a kickass album and I hadn't listened to that in awhile at the time! haha.

The one band that exceeded my expectations was Mercenary. Their newest album really blew me away... but that's mainly because I didn't care for the previous two releases that much.

Please don't take this as me slamming the new Evergrey or Vanden Plas or anything that like that. I just feel that although the new releases are great to listen to, a lot of bands this year put out albums not as awesome as their previous one.

The Michael
I've found alot of ppl who were somewhat upset with the last album. Personally...yes it was a little different at first, but I love Monday Morning Apocalypse. It's not their best by far but I still love it. Can't wait for the new album and hopefully a US tour.

Well, I'm a new fan of this band and MMA is what got me into the band to begin with. The music is just flat out catchy! After that I explored the catalog, so I really dig Solitude Dominance Tragedy and Recreation Day as well. :headbang:
I hope its not like MMA. I likes 2 songs on it,and I still couldnt listen to those songs all the way through. I love the band to death,but I hope they make some more listenable songs.
I think a lot of great bands have put subpart (by their standards) releases this year.

The new Wuthering Heights is growing on me more... but the band definately went heavier and darker and lost a lot of their folkish epic appeal. While the heavy riffs are great, there are no kickass ballads and not nearly enough violins and orchestral touches like the last two albums.

Wow...are you on drugs?
Britney Spears says she's already ratholed in the studio...working on the heaviest, darkest album she's released in years...

Ya know what? Britney may have a nice cooch...but I think I'll take Tom Englund's word when he says the word "heavy!"

Rock on!
I think a lot of great bands have put subpart (by their standards) releases this year.

The new Wuthering Heights is growing on me more... but the band definately went heavier and darker and lost a lot of their folkish epic appeal. While the heavy riffs are great, there are no kickass ballads and not nearly enough violins and orchestral touches like the last two albums.

Wow...are you on drugs?
I agree with *The* Michael about Wuthering Heights (but not at all on Vanden Plas). Although Shadow Cabinet kicks serious ass, it's a step backward for me because it's really just a straight-forward power metal album. Can't compare to Far From the Madding Crowd, which was a metal masterpiece with all it's ups and downs and even flow throughout. That said, Shadow Cabinet still makes my top-10 of the year! Erik Ravn is a brilliant songwriter.
I really like how prolific Evergrey is. They seem to release something new every year. The last album wasn't my favorite, but I didn't think it was terrible.