Everybody knows... shit happens


also known as ass-mode
Feb 13, 2004
Québec City
Taoism: If you understand shit, it isn't shit

Hinduism: This shit happened before

Confucianism: Confucius say: "Shit happens"

Buddhism: Shit will happen to you again

Islam: if shit happens it is the will of Allah

Jehova's Witness: Knock Knock, shit happens

Atheism: I don't believe this shit

Agnosticism: Can you prove that shit happens?

Protestantism: Shit happens, amen to that

Catholicism: If shit happens, you deserve it

Judaism: Why does shit always happen to us?

Televangelism: Send money or shit will happen to you

Nation of Islam: Don't take no shit

Rastafarianism: let's smoke this shit

New age: Visualize shit happening

Hedonism: I love it when shit happens

Satanism: sneppah tihs

Capitalism: this is MY shit

Feminism: Men are shit!

Existentialism: What is shit, anyway?

Mormonism: Excrement happens (don't say shit)

Mysticism: this is really weird shit

Voodoo: Shit doesn't just happen, we made it happen

Disneyism: Bad shit doesn't happen here

Communism: Let's share the shit

Marxism: You have nothing to lose but your shit

Conspiracy theorism: THEY shit on us!

Psycho-analysis: tell me about your shit

Darwinism: survival of the shittiest

Amish: Modern shit is useless

Suicidal: I've had enough of this shit

Optimism: Shit won't happen to me

Shakeaspearean: To shit or not to shit, that is the question

Descartes: I shit therefore I am

Freud: shit is a phallic symbol

Lawyers: For enough money, I can get you out of shit

Acupuncturist: Hold still or this will hurt like shit

Dog: I just shit in your shoe

Cat: Dogs are shit

Mouse: Oh shit! A cat!

Einstein: Shit is relative

Materialism: Whoever dies with the most shit, wins

Vegetarianism: If it happens to shit, don't eat it

Fatalism: Oh shit, it's going to happen

Americanism: Who gives a shit?

Stastitician: Shit is 84,7% likely to happen

Hip-Hop: Motherfuck this shiznit, beeeatch!

Tantrism: Fuck this shit

Cynicism: We are all full of shit

Surrealism: Fish happens
if it earns me points, I threw up in the jehovah's parking lot.

Good thing I have new neighbours n ow, so I can tell them Im new and a beleiver , that I will find out new info on my own and that they need not come see me
J-hoes are annoying. And stubborn too, they just won't stop coming no matter what I do. Maybe I need to get man as robot to pee on them or something.