Dungeon Briz Show

When is the farewell gig in sydney? I will definatley be going to that one maybe.

So long as you play Lost In The Light I'll be there. That song kicks about 8 asses. I love the 'We've lost our way!' vocal. Sounds very Mike Pattonish.

As for a cover. Do Dream Theater's A CHANGE OF SEASONS. Tis only 25 minutes long, so should be pretty simple to learn as Dream Theater songs are pretty plain and simple.
HAHAHA! Yeah, we'll learn to play it in the tour van on the way back from Brisbane! :lol:

We're definitely doing Lost In The Light... cunt to play but it's a great rush when you pull it off! :)

The end of tour party is gonna be at The Forest Inn, Bexley on October 19 - should be a lot of fun, expect an announcement about the final line-up really soon! :)
Fuck a farewell show already? You joining new bands or something? :)

I just bought some goggles, and intend to swim down to the gig.
But if she dies on the way home, then when they release her album posthumously she'll be even more successful than if she hadn't died, and she'll become an icon, and they'll get Holly Valance to play her in the movie about her.