everyone! write parody lyrics for Termination Proclamation

PerfectTerror has a cute posting style. I love the pie song.

On abortion, I don't know how I feel. Apparently, I could have had a sibling had it not been aborted, that sure would have been nice.
still no reason to kill someone.

"someone" ? Are you seriously going to tell me the 3 weeks old goo in my body is a someone?

They say abortion after the first trimester is 'murder' because by then the fetus is developed enough to a point where you would be killing a 'someone'.
I agree with it.
Plus, if by month three or four of your pregnancy you're still thinking about abortion, then fuck you, time is up, that is no longer an option.

Are you seriously going to tell me that if I was raped, and got pregnant I am to keep this 'goo' because "I shouldn't interrupt the natural process of blah blah" ? Seriously?
I'm sorry but as much as I think the subject of abortion is equally horrible on both sides of the argument, a woman has any right to decide what the fuck to do with her body.

You say you're "against abortion if someone gets it when it's inconvenience to them"
WHY? Who the hell died and made you god? If she got pregnant and it's not convenience for her she should have any right in the world to abort it with or without your consent. Now whether or not the woman is stupid and uneducated about using protection - we can agree on that, but sorry, when it comes to the woman's body and what she decided to do with it: not your say!
IMO, the notion that abortion can be legislated away is completely ludicris. Pandora's box is open. We have the technology. We have the knowledge. Abortion will happen whether or not it is legal, we'll just take out more lives if it's illegal.

That said, I'm not personally in favor of it actually happening, just in leaving it legal. It would be handy if we would stop acting like children hiding in a bathroom tittering about our little pink bodies, suck it up, and start dealing with the root cause -- unintended pregnancy. As a special bonus, and thanks to the miracle of modern science, we now know what causes pregnancy and, for the most part, how to avoid it.

Start by targeting one of the two groups with the highest percentage of 'surprises' -- the over 40 females. That way there'll be fewer bible thumpers working themselves into a froth over us actually doing something about the issue. A lot of women over 40 think that they don't need birth control because they figure they're too old to still be fertile. Wrong-o, but there it is.

Once we've experimented on them to find out what seemed to slow down the unintended pregnancies, we can take our tried and true methods to the other group with the highest percentage of unintended pregnancies. We may have to duct tape a few frothing bible thumpers to a chair to actually lower unintended pregnancies for teens, but it should be a much faster process since we "experimented" on adults first. Once we have that on the decline, we simply target everyone else and tie the entire endeavor up with one great big bow.

After we have, in true American fashion, taken the profit out of the abortion industry, clinics will close down, and you'll need to go to a hospital to get one. At that point, I think we just continue on and let it decline until we are left with the real "oops" pregnancies, and the difficult life decision pregnancies. At that point, it would no longer be sufficiently statistically significant to even be brought up in an election debate.

Realize, of course, that this is all an extremely blonde pipe dream, as it is unlikely those with the power to start something like that in this country are actually going to quit arguing their side and take real or meaningful steps to solve the root problem -- that's just crazy talk.

What was I thinking?

*wanders off to fashion a tin foil hat*
Good input, ladies. Nice to have some female perspective, as ultimately, this is a conflict that revolves around your half of the sex on a more personal level.

It's surprising how few people learn details about a fetus before putting their foot down on which side they stand for (this is of course disregarding the religious zealots, who are sheep with no mind's of their own). Like details on brain wave activity and heart beats. Is as if they think there's this baby brewing at the moment of conception. But the fact of the matter is that it's a bundle of cells for quite some time. It's not a conscious being right out the gate.
But to think it's all bells and whistles is ignorant as well. It's a horrendous process. I can speak from the "pill" perspective as opposed to the "surgery". You literally cut off the oxygen to the fetus with one, and then another essentially makes you hemorrhage what's there out of your uterus. And, wouldn't you know, it was one of those one in a million chances where it doesn't work all the way. The fetus hadn't passed properly, and she had to go to the hospital because she wouldn't stop bleeding. Fucking nightmare.
But to think it's all bells and whistles is ignorant as well. It's a horrendous process. I can speak from the "pill" perspective as opposed to the "surgery". You literally cut off the oxygen to the fetus with one, and then another essentially makes you hemorrhage what's there out of your uterus. And, wouldn't you know, it was one of those one in a million chances where it doesn't work all the way. The fetus hadn't passed properly, and she had to go to the hospital because she wouldn't stop bleeding. Fucking nightmare.

Disgusting business, for sure. But then, so is child birth. I agree after a certain amount of time and development it seems less humane, but I mostly agree with Karen. To not give women a choice during the "goo" stages, is pretty stupid.

On another note, I hate pregnant women. Everytime I see one in public I become sick, I just want to tell the tramp to go inside. I know not all pregnant women are teenage whores, but down here it can seem that way.

If I'm ever lucky enough to have a wife, which I doubt at this point in my insanity, I wouldn't ever want her to get pregnant. It's nasty, she'd get fat, I'd never want to go down on her again. Gross. But I really want kid(s). So...I'd want to adopt.
On another note, I hate pregnant women. Everytime I see one in public I become sick, I just want to tell the tramp to go inside. I know not all pregnant women are teenage whores, but down here it can seem that way.
That's a shame, because a pregnant woman (and I mean pregnant in a natural, responsible way) is a beautiful sight.

Not in that way, you sickos!

If I'm ever lucky enough to have a wife, which I doubt at this point in my insanity, I wouldn't ever want her to get pregnant. It's nasty, she'd get fat, I'd never want to go down on her again. Gross. But I really want kid(s). So...I'd want to adopt.
If you ever had a wife and she'd read this, she'd kick you out on your ass, you selfish prick ;)
First off... here is a pie as per request.

On abortion... I'm pro-choice on the matter, because I think it is necessary in some cases. However, I personally wouldn't do it.
BUT I think there should be regulation on it in some way...
1. Not using it as a form of birth control. - After as few abortions, mandatory tie that woman's tubes, it can be reversed later. There were 2 girls in my high school that both told me that the had abortions (one of them age 17 already had 2 abortions!) just because they didn't like to use condoms, and "shit happens"! :lol: That needs to stop, regulate that crap and teach the kids there is a thing called the fucking birth control pill.
2. Stop late term abortion. - Who is stupid enough to not know they are pregnant past a few months?? A pregnancy test is like 5 bucks... If you wait, and it has become a person, fuck you, you are having a baby now. Then give it up for adoption or something. My mom, at the age of 14 got pregnant and hid it from my grandmother until she started to show... needless to say, my grandmother made her get an abortion, and my mother said she could see them take out a small dead baby... and she has never forgiven herself and is fucked up beyond belief... don't get me started on her.

okay...that's it. I'm not a ranter, but I thought I'd contribute since I have ovaries :grin:
Whatever decisions a woman or man decide to take regarding their own bodies and health should be their own, no matter the circumstances.
Above all, it's the freedom and right of deciding for yourself what you do with yourself.
Except that most can't deal with the antagonistic idea of being the bearer of life(the woman, in this respect) and choosing to end it before its time.
I don't think it should be considered a moral crime, as people put it dramatically, but at the same time I wouldn't do it, were I to be put in such a situation.
Why? No clear idea, really...might be a subconscious thing...and the fact that it can raise dire complications as one never knows how your body might react... there is such a delicate balance.

Jayme pointed out what I think might be a major factor leading to many teens having to resort to the procedure: poor information management about protection amongst people of age- this in spite of the fact that there are many school programs out there doing just that(mostly referring to Europe and the US).

And then, have you people seen what's happening in China regarding 'birth control' and forced abortions lately? That is crossing the line.

There were 2 girls in my high school that both told me that the had abortions (one of them age 17 already had 2 abortions!) just because they didn't like to use condoms, and "shit happens"! :lol:

People barely even look around to notice their own kind while walking down the street these days..of course their children won't think much of or give much importance to others or caring for life in general. It's a 'frugal' statement, but you get what I mean.

Edit: Ah yes, how rude of me to forget:
Above all, it's the freedom and right of deciding for yourself what you do with yourself.
But see, there's the thing. You're deciding for yourself, but not just for yourself. You're making the decision for that little guy inside you too. It's not just being allowed to do what you want to your body, I think everyone agrees that that should be allowed. It's the moral gray area concerning when a foetus becomes a living being that makes it so difficult.
Yeah exactly...it's hard cause' everyone has their own opinions on when in the process is it considered a living being. I think the "goo" stage is probably fine to abort I guess. But when it starts taking shape and having a heart beat and growing and breathing,I say have the child...It may be in the woman's body, a part of her but it's another being of life. I guess it all really depends on how the woman feels after doing it. If there's some guilt - maybe she isn't 100% pro-choice after all.
But see, there's the thing. You're deciding for yourself, but not just for yourself. You're making the decision for that little guy inside you too. It's not just being allowed to do what you want to your body, I think everyone agrees that that should be allowed. It's the moral gray area concerning when a foetus becomes a living being that makes it so difficult.

Yes, I took that into consideration as I typed my ideas out.
Hahaha, good point Stormo. I make it a point to tell any girl I'm with about this weird way of thinking, they usually think it's funny. Rest assured if I did get a gal pregnant I'd be there 100%, but I'd hate the sight of what it did to her.

I wonder if this is because as a child I was disturbed at the sight of pug birth. They came in this sac that the mom tears open, etc.
Welcome to our barbecue station
Let us begin the preparation!
All who enter here are grilled
Prepare for meat, forget dill!

All I got.