Everything you wanted to know about Finland, but were too afraid to ask

@Onyx: :tickled: Hell yeah! That's all I can do, but I do it well.
rahvin said:
et's see... drinks. more drinks. typical drinks. bottles of typical drinks as souvenirs... :rolleyes:
oh, and huge quantities of illegal drugs, obviously.

(I know you joking, but maybe this will boost tourism here... or something like that)
If you want drinks and illegal drugs, come to Fairfield, Connecticut. It's basically a rich town (except me and ten other peopl...), and most parents will work late, go on business trips, and leave their kids home alone (with well stocked liquor cabinets, of course[note: how stupid could they get!!!]). That could be why this town has the highest rate of teen alcoholism in the country, and I believe the world too... (about 50%). If you go to one place that the town runs to be a "safe" place for kids to hang out, you would swear that part of it is run by fucking drug lords. the weirdest feelin I've ever had is standing next to two uniformed cops smoking weed( it's very illegal here). idiots will be high on anythign here, and someone will have any illegal drugs you want (I've seen cocaine, heroin, morphine, meth, crack, PCP, and a lot of other stuffthat I have no idea what the hell it is). THat could be why 30% of the kids here are addicted to at least one illegal substance. Sad, isn't it. I think I'm on of the few peopl who doesn't drink or smoke here...

OK, back to discussion of Finland!

Steve (not a crackhead)

a) well, it might be exaggerating a little ;)

b) at least in the 70's, the blasphemy laws were really tight. The same laws still exist, but nobody enforces them anymore :P