Processed Chicken
Thought I'd share this from the guy(Howard Kaplan
Fender EVH Engineering) who made the EVH 5150 100 watt and 50 watt for Fender...
Originally Posted by swamba
Sorry Howard, I don't mean to be a pain but could you tell me if its ok to leave my speaker cable unpluged from the speaker out of my 5150 50watt, there by shorting the output, for long periods of time? Will this hurt the amp or does shorting it out protect it from damage? I put a cable in the headphone out while still connected to the cab, but you can still hear a small amount of sound coming out of the speakers. If its not ok I will buy some sorta hotplate or dummy load. I'm am getting some really great results running staight out of the preamp, direct into a custom impules response, but would like the amp to be completly silent.
Thanks for your help Howard!!!!!
If you are using the preamp output and are worried about the speaker load issue do the following. Put a jack or cable into the headphone output or connect a head set if you are using them to monitor the sound that is going into your 'impulse response' device. (I have no idea what this is. Is it for recording?). If the small amount of sound you hear from the speaker is bugging you, disconnect the speaker cable AT THE HEAD and the amp will them be driving a short. THIS IS OK even if the amp was not muted by a cable connected to the headphone jack. Shorting, the output is actually a better situation for the amp than leaving it open which will shorten the tube life.
In summary, disconnect the speaker cable at the head. Connect a dummy plug to the headphone jack or a headset. Connect you device to the preamp output and stop worrying. And if you forget to connect something to the headphone jack to mute the amp, do not worry as long as you do not have an open cable connected to the speaker outputs.
Fender EVH Engineering) who made the EVH 5150 100 watt and 50 watt for Fender...
Originally Posted by swamba
Sorry Howard, I don't mean to be a pain but could you tell me if its ok to leave my speaker cable unpluged from the speaker out of my 5150 50watt, there by shorting the output, for long periods of time? Will this hurt the amp or does shorting it out protect it from damage? I put a cable in the headphone out while still connected to the cab, but you can still hear a small amount of sound coming out of the speakers. If its not ok I will buy some sorta hotplate or dummy load. I'm am getting some really great results running staight out of the preamp, direct into a custom impules response, but would like the amp to be completly silent.
Thanks for your help Howard!!!!!
If you are using the preamp output and are worried about the speaker load issue do the following. Put a jack or cable into the headphone output or connect a head set if you are using them to monitor the sound that is going into your 'impulse response' device. (I have no idea what this is. Is it for recording?). If the small amount of sound you hear from the speaker is bugging you, disconnect the speaker cable AT THE HEAD and the amp will them be driving a short. THIS IS OK even if the amp was not muted by a cable connected to the headphone jack. Shorting, the output is actually a better situation for the amp than leaving it open which will shorten the tube life.
In summary, disconnect the speaker cable at the head. Connect a dummy plug to the headphone jack or a headset. Connect you device to the preamp output and stop worrying. And if you forget to connect something to the headphone jack to mute the amp, do not worry as long as you do not have an open cable connected to the speaker outputs.