Boy I bet Fred is wishing he'd never even thought of signing on to the Summer Sanitarium bill!! My friend is at the show in Seattle right now and Deftones just got done with their set. A promoter got on stage and did the whole.."what did you think of Deftones?" (everyone cheers) "Are you ready for Linkin Park?" (everyone cheers) "What about Limp Bizkit?" (deafening boos and jeers) "How about METALLICA??" (deafening cheering).
Gee...I wonder if ol' Fred asswipe will throw a temper tantrum in Seattle too? HAHAHA!!! I think this is just hillarious! I can't think of anyone on earth that deserves this more...can you guys? My friend is gonna call me while they are on stage so I can hear the booing...that should be pretty entertaining! I actually think this may be worth the price of a ticket to this!
Rock on Fred!! 

Gee...I wonder if ol' Fred asswipe will throw a temper tantrum in Seattle too? HAHAHA!!! I think this is just hillarious! I can't think of anyone on earth that deserves this more...can you guys? My friend is gonna call me while they are on stage so I can hear the booing...that should be pretty entertaining! I actually think this may be worth the price of a ticket to this!