Evidently the feelings mutual for Limp Dick on both coasts!!


From the vastly deep
Jun 17, 2002
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Boy I bet Fred is wishing he'd never even thought of signing on to the Summer Sanitarium bill!! My friend is at the show in Seattle right now and Deftones just got done with their set. A promoter got on stage and did the whole.."what did you think of Deftones?" (everyone cheers) "Are you ready for Linkin Park?" (everyone cheers) "What about Limp Bizkit?" (deafening boos and jeers) "How about METALLICA??" (deafening cheering).

Gee...I wonder if ol' Fred asswipe will throw a temper tantrum in Seattle too? HAHAHA!!! I think this is just hillarious! I can't think of anyone on earth that deserves this more...can you guys? My friend is gonna call me while they are on stage so I can hear the booing...that should be pretty entertaining! I actually think this may be worth the price of a ticket to this!

:rock:Rock on Fred!! :loco::grin::kickass::lol:
Pyrus said:
Basically, people are stupid. Especially in the US. That's how Limp Bizkit got big.

Agreed, and I wouldn't ever got o see this show, all the bands suck, and why reward Metallica for releasing a really shitty album, I don't care if they play mostly all old shit, I just fucking know I am going to hear Hero Of The Day or Mama Said, no fucking thanks.
Well..I guess Fred came out with his lame ass band and they got booed pretty good...then the crowd mellowed out and let them do their thing...my friend said he was kissing major crowd ass by going out into the midst of all the haters and cruising through them with his wireless mic. See how up close and personal I can be with all my fans (all 3 of them)! LMAO!!!

What a jackass! I think the show would be a much bigger sucess if Fred would fight Scott ..the lead singer of Creed ...that guy's ripped! He would just beat the ever lovin shit outa fatass Fred! (remember when they were slinging shit at each other through the media, and Scott challenged Fred to a boxing match?) I always secretly wished that Fred would have accepted the challenge...but he pussed out...not that I care for either of these bands..and if I never hear another Creed song as long as I live it won't be too soon...but that woulda been cool:p
I really hope Metallica brings Fred with them to Sweden next time they come here.
It has entertainment value.
I remember how really really fun it was giving the Murder Dolls singer a similar seizure when they opened for Maiden :tickled: