Cool. I will have the new SLOUGH FEG about a week after it comes out, but I already know you have that on pre-order.. :)

How much did it cost you, btw with shipping, in USD?
$15.89USD, and yea, I know Enrico's shipping them all tomorrow! I'm fucking excited! As much as I love Traveller, going back to the Celtic style sounds good to me!
Last day on the sale. All orders must either be pmed or email to me tonight.

This just in:

ATTACKER - The Second Coming : Out Of Print Speedy traditional 80's metal. =$12. I recommend jumping on this as I doubt I'll find anymore copies of this one.

CIRITH UNGOL - One Foot In Hell : 3rd album =$12
Demilich said:
$15.89USD, and yea, I know Enrico's shipping them all tomorrow! I'm fucking excited! As much as I love Traveller, going back to the Celtic style sounds good to me!

Whoa, are you sure? I got an e-mail from him telling me he's shipping off the promos this week. Are they sending out the real CDs early (it's not due for release until April 28th).

Evil_Legend said:
Last day on the sale. All orders must either be pmed or email to me tonight.

I'm going to take my time compiling my order, especially after I get the comp CD-R etc. Thanks for the offer, but I don't mind paying for shipping considering how rare your items are.
Keeley, check it out:

Enrico said:
A good news for you who have put your faith (and money!) pre-ordering SLOUGH FEG’s “atavism” cd: it is ready to be shipped, 15 days before the official release date!

Today I went to get the posters so all shipments will happen on Wednesday, via priority mail.

Sounds like it's saying pre-orders go out tomorrow?
Demilich said:
Sounds like it's saying pre-orders go out tomorrow?

Dude, you just scored big time. :kickass: That's a reward for pre-ordering. You helped the label out with some upfront costs and now you get the album early. Good for you.

I'm getting a promo (it's probably going to be a little cardboard slipcase), but I'll definitely be buying the "Real McCoy" eventually.
JayKeeley said:
Dude, you just scored big time. :kickass:

I'm really glad I did! Enrico's taking Slough Feg very seriously and more people seem to have heard of them already! Hopefully this album holds up to my high, high expectations!
Ok.. now new instock...

SNAKEPIT Magazine - Issue 14 (not sure on the price yet, haven't received the invoice.)
LEGEND - Anthology DCD
LORD VADER - Goliath
SABBAT - Sabbatical Holocaust
METALUCIFER - Heavy Metal Chainsaw
HEXX - No Escape / Under The Spell

Thanks for all of your orders.
JayKeeley said:
Can you get me an orange vinyl?

I want that Legend anthology. But more importantly.....I got your CD-Rs today. Muwahahaa. :heh:

I dunno if I can get the orange one. I'll see.

Oh, cool... glad you got the package.

The LEGEND is amazing. Right up there with PAGAN ALTAR, DARK QUARTERER, IRON MAIDEN, ANGEL WITCH...etc.
Who the heck is Dark Quarterer now??? And how dare they me mentioned in the same breath as Maiden, Witch, and Altar without be knowing them??! Must check this...
Dark Quarterer are an Italian epic metal band, their s/t debut is totally astonishing and classic. Their epic metal is quite unique (with classical "love or hate" vocals) but it reminds me more of Manilla Road for example than Maiden or Angelwitch. You will fall in love with their atmosphere: dark, epic and really mind travelling. Over the years their music became less epic and more complex/progressive, the attention was given more to the riffs than to the atmosphere, but they released good albums, with none to come close to their fantastic debut.
OK thanks. I just noticed that there's a track on the comp CD-R I just got from Tim, so I'll be sure to pay special attention.

Aside from the Manilla Road and Brocas Helm tracks (which I already knew were brilliant), I was nicely suprised by that Stormwitch track on the comp. It's the first time I'm hearing them:

I sent you a song from DARK QUARTERER... Killer Epic Progressive Metal.. not really New Wave... but AMAZING... definitely worth the $$

SNAKEPIT Heavy Metal Magazine - Issue 14 = $8 (That includes shipping to the US and Canada. World will have to contact me)
More in:
DARK QUARTERER - Violence : 4th album. = $12
MANILLA ROAD - Out Of They Abyss / Live Roadkill DCD: $15.50