Evile in Vancouver

Thrash Til Death

New Metal Member
Apr 16, 2010
Hey everyone!

So, I've noticed that people are curious as to how Evile are going over in North America. For one, I am stoked that they're finally here and I've watched them play both times they've been through Vancouver thus far first with Kreator and then last night with Overkill. Amazing live band, tons of energy and also great guys to boot.

The Kreator show was sick, fantastic sound at the Rickshaw. They played only 5 songs which was somewhat disappointing but at least I knew to expect it since I had checked out the setlists online prior to coming. They played:

1. Infected Nation
2. We Who Are About To Die
3. Thrasher
4. Time No More
5. Enter The Grave

We Who Are About To Die is a beast of a song live! One of my favorites for sure. I was at the front in front of Ol watching him play and it was so much fun to watch him shred.

After soundcheck, he went off stage but was goofing around with his guitar and started playing random riffs and started to play the riff to Symphony Of Destruction and the crowd started to sing which was hilariously fun!

I was pretty surprised after Kataklysm's set to turn around and see Ben and Matt by the merch table. By the time I got there though Matt had left but I was able to talk to Ben for a few minutes which was incredible. Totally down to earth guy and seemed like just another dude, not some guy who happens to play in a band I love. He asked if I was coming to the Overkill show and I said I was planning on it and he said he looked forward to seeing me.

Last night, I brought with me the Infected Nations CD booklet hoping they'd be out mingling after the show again. They were the first band up and had some technical problems and Matt announced unfortunately that they'd only be able to play 3 songs. Boourns!!!

There was no barricade at The Red Room so I was able to get right up against the stage right between Matt and Joel and rocked out with them for the whole (albeit short) set. They ended up playing 4, were somehow able to squeeze in Thrasher after playing Infected Nation, We Who Are About To Die and Time No More. Joel and I were singing the chorus together which was awesome.

And, afterwards, just like at the Kreator show, all of them were out and about with the fans. I was able to talk to Matt, Ol and Ben and got them each to sign the cover which I'm pretty damn pleased about.

They're all super cool guys, Ben especially. He even remembered me from the Kreator show which surprised me given how many people he must meet and talk to. We started briefly about Wrestlemania. I complimented Ol and his guitar work on the Cemetary Gates cover and he told me about their upcoming trip to Dallas and I asked if the planned to visit Dime's grave and he said yes. I've been twice so we chatted about that briefly. Matt said how much he wants to come back and do a headlining tour which I told him I'd be super happy about as I was dying to hear them play Nosophoros which he seemed to like hearing and said when they play a longer set that they'd make sure to play it.

All in all, I liked them before but after getting the chance to meet all of them, I like them even better and wish them nothing but success. They're the future of thrash metal as far as I'm concerned!
Awesome! I'm glad you enjoyed the show so much :) They are indeed a great live band, very fun and energetic. It's always cool to be able to chat with a band and find that they're just normal, down to earth guys who love what they do. Hopefully they'll get back over and be able to play a nice long set for you next time!
Glad you enjoyed it! I certainly didn't. It was hell for us. Everything that went wrong could go wrong. So much so someone threw an instrument across the room

Anyone who thinks Evile have egos has issues, saying that they're down o earth is such an understatement - they're probably the lovliest people I've ever had the pleasure to know.

I've got one.

oh I thought you said eggs.
Glad you enjoyed it! I certainly didn't. It was hell for us. Everything that went wrong could go wrong. So much so someone threw an instrument across the room

Yeah, I heard stories. Matt told me about a bunch of things that went wrong for you guys last night. Sucks you had to suffer through so much crap. And what was up with me over hearing something about half-volume or being pushed back until 9pm? I hope it doesn't put a bad taste in your mouth about wanting to do future shows in Vancouver.